***Action*** Rooting Tooting Good Old Time

Who: Jed, Sandblaster
Where: Blue Dwarf: New Terran Sector
When: After the very Pirates of the Carribeanesque manouver.
Jed was seated at his desk, unfazed by the events of the previous few
hours. It hadn't taken more than 30 seconds since the Blue Dwarf
appeared near Jupiter Station for the call to come through.
General Sandblaster had called the JMC ship Blue Dwarf to Mars Space
Station for trivial reasons. He wanted the ship to get re-furbished at
HIS station rather than "that run down old Jupiter Station", his own
words to Captain Jed. Jed, unwilling to pass up free stuff, especially
from his employers was all ready and game for a "rooting tooting good
old time" on Mars and the possibility of a pay rise always appealed to
the money grabbing New Texan, especially if it was one from the Mars
station JMC Officials.
The gigantic blue oblong that was Blue Dwarf elegantly sailed into the
second wormhole that it had just spawned that day and cruised right
into the docking bays at Mars Station.
---- Meanwhile ----
Who: Master K, Igor
Where: Secret Lab on Mars
When: Unknown
A small-clawed metallic hand grasped a bone-saw with a metallic
clinking sound, as the fingers wrapped around the saw. Precision
movements guided the claw to the head of a very much awake patient,
eyes wide with fear, unable to scream, as the mouth had been sewed
shut in a way plastic surgeons would be proud of. The patient pulled
at his bindings keeping him strapped to the hard metal table. The saw
drew closer to the patient's head and as it grew closer fear overcame
the patient and he lost control of his major functions. The metallic
claw wasn't deterred in its progress and made contact with the skull,
a gut wrenching noise filled the room as the saw slowly inched its way
around the skull and opened it up to reveal the squishy grey matter
inside, pulsing slightly with the adrenaline in the bodies system.
Separate human hands to the claw attached electrodes to the patient's
brain. The claw slowly reached out and flipped a switch; electricity
pulsed across the room and into the brain of the patient who quivered
and shook against the bonds holding him down. Gradually the
electricity stopped flowing and all became silent, only the beeping of
the monitors registering the patients vitals.
"MasterÂ… Master K?" Came the urgent, scared and curious voice of a
hunchbacked past middle-aged gangly haired fellow.
"Another failure!" Came a metallic voice from a body attached to the
claw. The claw balled up and smashed into the table, denting it and
then launched a scalpel at the hunched figure of Igor. It then
proceeded to start sewing up the skull of the brain dead patient. All
the while muttering and wondering under its breath what had gone wrong
this time?
---- Back in the Blue ----
Jed stomped off the 'Dwarf and onto the station, his spurs clanking as
he strode purposefully towards the nearest bar.
"Now where can I get me some liquor around these here parts?" He said,
addressing no one in particular.
<Tag Guys!>
OOC – There is now a small window for you guys to conduct in shore
leave on the station or on Mars. I'm not gonna leave it more than a
week (unless circumstances decide otherwise) before the next action
post. So get your asses moving if you want to do some subbies.
Don't do anything with the above mentioned dead guy scenario, don't
find him or anything. I have plans.
*Evil laugh*

< Prev : *Action* - "Helping sometimes earns enemies" pt2 Next > : The fun ends