Heading home

Katrina Swete
An Earth-bound shuttle
Katrina packed herself into the already crowded shuttle. She sat down and
snuggled her only luggage, one small knap-sack, safely on her lap.
She looked around; there were many people she recognized from Blue Dwarf. She
was sure that the other passengers were from BD too, but she didn't know them.
Don't forget about the tribunal, she thought. They're deciding if the Captain
should still be the Captain in a week or so.
The bastard almost blew your head off!! she remembered. Besides, you're not
coming back. Why bother? You're never gonna see him again...........or
Commander Niples.
Katrina pushed the thoughts from her head and braced herself as the shuttle
took off.
Will Katrina really go AWOL?
Will she listen to the voice and stay for the Commander?
Is she just being a silly, selfish little girl? Yes

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