Silent Tears...

<snip> He soon
realized she wasn't okay, he picked her up and started for the
closest elevator. "Holly? Call the medi-bay, she's not well."
"Okay Kevn," the computer replied.
Soon he was in the lift heading for the medi-bay... <end snip>
Who: Alandra and Kevn
Where: In the elevator and on the way towards the medibay
When: After Snip
Tears continued to stream down Alandras face. Not even stoping.
Kevn stood there holding Alandras limp body as the elevator made its
way towars the medibay.
He was quiet curious why she was out of it and why she had tears
streaming down her face. Nobody was really crying while they were
out of it. It was just a rare thing to do
She curtentley wasent out of it because she got to drunk, she
wouldent be crying if she was drunk. Besides he couldent even smell
beer on her. Just her tears.
A few minutes later of thinking this over, the elevator doors
Kevn walked out of the doors of the elevator as Alandra remained out
of it. Tears still streaming off her face...
<tag Kevn>

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