oooh apost

ooc : first off sorry if Phil not in this group..could not find out where he was..lost track :-p
Jay looked around for a bridge or boat of any kind, but couldn't find anything. It was so frustrating being that close. He could see the tall spires of the buildings in New Paris (which were all built in the style of the Eiffel tower) but he had no way of crossing the river.
"Yes Phil..and you is ask me what that is and it turns out to be a carrot i will kick you hard in the nuts"
"We could always use rebuchet to get people across..."
"Trebocet? thyats a fancy been talking to Nipples again? remeber what happened last time? The incedent with the fork, the jelly and the pole dancer?"
"treb·u·chet (trby-sht) also treb·uc·ket (--kt)
A medieval catapult for hurling heavy stones.", said Phil, the look of shock and horror on his face as he said it was a picture.
"You mean throw people across the river...?
"Yeah..whats a river?"

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