RE: [JMC_Blue_Dwarf] OOC - New members Mel Stratum, Ace Simpson + Jeffrey Dodge

In addition, we are now also joined again by Ben, aka Patrick Cerebrum!
Welcome back mate, you've been missed.
(ps, is it gonna be Cerebrum again or a new character?)
-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Onion
Sent: 10 May 2006 20:09
Subject: [JMC_Blue_Dwarf] OOC - New members Mel Stratum, Ace Simpson +
Jeffrey Dodge
Howdy peeps! I've got some new members joining our BD posse today!
Say hello to Mel Stratum, Ace Simpson + Jeffrey Dodge! :-)
Their profiles are below:
Character Name: Mel Stratum
Gender: Female
Age: 27
Nationality: Portugese/British
Department: none
Job Title: Officer
Player/NPC? active
Physical Appearance
170cm tall, caucasian, chin-length, chocolate brown hair, average
looking, pear-shaped body, ecto-mesomorphic.
Personality and Interests
Melissa Stratum likes the colour white, classical and emo music and
being right. She despises her younger, more attractive sister, Lucy
and hates the colour orange, men, stupidity and being corrected. She
seldom makes friends because she is too boring and sensible, but
behind closed doors she pigs out on Rocky Road chocolate and drinks a
couple of vodkas, although she swears she's not an alcoholic. She
tells everyone that her favourite movie is "Little House On The
Prairie", but is really "Goldmember".
Melissa was born on Leda [Jupiter's smallest moon]. Her parents were
Maria Lacopa and Moris Stratum. She has a sister, Lucy, who is three
years younger than her. She was always the more attractive sister, and
always got what she wanted. When Mel met Stan, a photocopier operator,
Lucy married a male model, Damien Ville, in what Mel thinks of it as
'an act of jealousy'. She only thought of that to make her feel
better. In a rush, Mel gave transparent clues to make Stan propose. He
didn't understand so she proposed to him and they were married. Only
she then found out that when they were on their honeymoon he was
screwing the maid, a girl named "Clarice". Mel, stranded and alone
with no one but her pushy, mentally ill parents, her wonderful sister
and her ex husband who still claims he didn't do anything, she left in
hope to start again.
Favourite Sayings
"You're unique, just like everybody else"
"Sorry, love to, but you're just too damn boring. What do you mean I'm
"Oh, where did the time go? That's right, down the toilet"
"Of all times to be stupid you had to pick now"
Character Name:
Ace Simpson
Gender: Male
Department: navigation
Job Title: pilot
Player/NPC? active
Physical Appearance
about six foot and quite light. very skinny but broad shouldered and
quite strong . . . not overly muscular but quite strong. Hair goes
over one eye and he has big hands and feet.
Personality and Interests
Ace enjoys playing on AR machines and also enjoys navigating for
ships. he enjoys writing so he keeps a journal. hes kind hearted and
can be very genourous but is often scared and could be classed as a
Ace joined the JMC when he left his last job aboard a maintenence
vessel which had been on a moon when it spun out of its planetary
orbit. he has navigation qualifications such as: he failed his
astro-navigation exam but the went on to pass the second time around.
so when he passed in his application for blue dwarf,(all fields filled
in i ask you to notice) the crew welcomed him in.
Character Name: Jeffrey Dodge
Gender: Male
Age: 24
Nationality: Canadian
Department: engineering
Job Title: First Technician (Higher than Rimmer ranking Repair man)
Player/NPC? active
Physical Appearance
Roughly 5'11", 150 pounds, caucasian, dark hair, blue eyes, flared
nostrils, large hands, extremely large "Package" and a distinct mole
in the center of his neck.
Personality and Interests
This is a Psyciactric Profile on First Technician Jeffery Dodge:
Jeffrey Danielle Dodge has been seen as having cowardly behavoir and
flees at the first sign of trouble. Dispite this, He has been known to
be an excellent negotiator and is very empathic. In all my instances
of interviewing him has always seemed to be interested in other's
thought's and put's himself in nearly everyone's shoes. He does not
have what he would call "friends", but has made impressions on many of
the crew. He has shown interest in Music and plays trumpet very well
from what I have heard of his bunk mates and has shown some potential
in computer programming. However he has severe arachniphobia which
prevents him from contact of even the smallest of insects and
arachnids. He also is very unreligous because he sees god as "some
ass-hole who screws with everyone to satisfy his sick sense of humor".
Apart from this he seems relatively well adjusted.
Counselor Brannigan, Red Dwarf Psyciactric
Jeffrey Dodge Joined the Jupiter Mining Corps at the young age of 15.
He was trying to raise money for University but was soon deemed a
suitible candidate for a permanent carrer in the Space Corps. He was
originally stationed on the JMC ship Red Dwarf under Second Technician
Arnold Rimmer's Night Shift where he was given great reports from both
Captain Hollister and Brannigan, the ship's Psychiatrist. He was soon
transferred out and replaced by the new recruit David Lister.
Returning home to Vancouver, B.C. he went bactudying ating at
Gladestone Secondary and finally, after graduating the University of
British Columbia, returned to the Space Corps where he was promoted
from Third to First Technician. He is currently serving on board Blue
Dwarf, the sister ship to it's scarlet counterpart
And also welcome to the new members, you should recieve this as your
first post :-)
-Onion, GM
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