Re: Jed Calvert - \"Planning a smuggle\"

> Oh there was general thievery, and the black market down the other
> of the Promenade, as well as the unregistered prostitution businesses
> he'd heard about down on deck 69, but everyone seemed generally too
> lazy for any proper crafty smuggling.
> His mind wondered back to a conversation he heard earlier today…
> was one person he could ask…
Kevn looked up at Calvert, "Sir?" he asked.
"I have a job for you Fenard," Jed repeated.
"Is it that smegging turret again Captain? I'll fix it soon..." Kevn
said sipping some of his lager.
"No, not like that!" Jed said impatiently, "I have a mission for
a few minutes later...
"So a smuggling run to New France... what's the cargo?"
"Wine... from our friends the Welsh."
"The pay?"
"Some weapons, goods, whatever..."
"Wine for weapons, this smells fishy..."
"Never mind that..."
"No I'll mind, it smells fishy, arms dealings are expensive, and it
takes more than some wine to pay it."
"Look they got the guns, we got the wine. They want the wine, we want
the guns, its simple. Didn't your work before teach you that?"
"No. All it tought me was to always keep an eye out for trouble, and
to always be prepared for the unexpected.."
Kevn thought it over... "Okay, you got your man... but I'll need a
crew to help out.. possibly three to four."
"I have a few who can help..." Jed said.
"A ship..."
"Any ship, though I prefer if you use a Starbug... big cargo hold and
"And some guns... just in case..."
"Okay, done..."
Kevn stood up and left for the cargo bay, knowing what he had just
done would probably have terrible outcomes...
<tag anyone who's interested in smuggling>

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