April Fool/Not So Bad - Alpha

Who: Jessie Alpha, two scutters, Vanessa, the Pink Tree, Chrizla, and
a surprise guest star.
Jessie wandered around the ship, completely failing to locate any
cleaning staff whatsoever. More usefully, though, she did find what
appeared to be the Home for Lost Sanitising Materials, a cupboard on
deck 372. The contents included a threadbare mop, a rusty bucket, and
several bottles of various cleaning fluids, the type that claim to
remove ninety-nine different stains in five seconds. Collecting her
loot, she headed back to the landing bay.
Meanwhile, in Chrizla's quarter's, two scutters carefully removed
something from the table. Anything to annoy somebody. They, too,
headed for the landing bay.
Two minutes later, what was available of the medical team (Vanessa
Chrysler and the Pink Tree) arrived in landing bay 3, with Chrizla in
tow. He was frantic with worry, imagining all the horrendous injuries
Jessie could be suffering and trying to work out where she could be.
Suddenly, two things broke into his train of thought. One was a
"clang!", followed closely by a splash. The other was more
immediately upsetting.
"Howdy-doodly-doo! You just can't keep a good toaster down, can you?"
"YOU!" Chrizla stormed over and lifted the appliance up by its power
cord. "How the smegging hell did you - no, don't answer that. It was
the scutters, wasn't it." The toaster flipped his paddle smugly: "April fools!"
Chrizla responded by throwing it into the wall.
*Rustle* said the tree, impatiently. "Uh, shouldn't we be getting on
with what we came for?" Vanessa asked.
"Oh, yeah." Chrizla flushed with embarrassment. "The Wyvern's this way."
When they entered the small fighter, the three of them were met with
the sight they were probably least expecting: that of Jessie, damp,
swearing, and with no visible injuries, attempting to mop the now
very wet - and still bloodstained - floor in the Wyvern's tiny midsection.
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