Re: Assuming the worst

<snip>Receiving no reply, Chrizla opened the airlock and went inside.
At the sight of the blood on the floor, his eyes widened in horror,
and within about five seconds he was nowhere to be seen, as he was
heading for the medi-bay at a record-breaking speed.>
Chrizla ran into an XPress Lift and pressed the MediBay button. In
less time than he would have thought possible, he was standing in
front of the desk talking to Melissa Harris. "I need help; I can't
find Jessie Carter and there's blood all over the Wyvern." Melissa
understood at once; she pressed a big red button on a panel, which set
the alarm off, and said into the microphome: "Attention, attention!
Accident reported in Landing Bay 3, all available medical personnel
report to the Wyvern immidiately!"
<tag any available medical personnel or Jessie>

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