Re: [JMC_Blue_Dwarf] The buzz

Outside Owen Numan's Bar
From outside, Katrina heard voices. Good, there were people somewhere. She peeked her head in. She saw a few people: Penny Lloyd, Lt. Whitewolf, Tara, Alota, a few guys from security. She squinted at another familiar figure. Who was that?
Oh, it's the Commander, she realized.
Pulling her head back out, Katrina adjusted her red skirt, ran her hands through her hair, and smacked her lips together. "Here goes nothing," she mumbled, and pulled open the door.
"Swete." Harris said as he grabbed Swete's arm.
"Oh, er... Major Harris." Swete said surprised.
"I want a word with you." Harris said.
"What about?" Swete asked nerously.
"A lab has been discovered and it doesn't belong to the science department." Harris explained. "Some kind of drug has been produced in that lab and this drug has been discovered in the burgers of the Burger Tzar. Now if you found anything stranger then usual in the trash or know anything about this lab or who owns it, make me a happy camper and tell me know."
(Alright Swete, cover to you)

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