The worm cometh pt 2

But five got through...
"Bazookoids! We need bazookoids!" Kevn hollared
HIM sighed, "Never easy is it?"
Who: Kevn
where: cargo bay 4
when: after they blew the smeg outta that worm.
Kevn creapt through the mass of boxes, he could hear the sound of the
worm slithering around. Bazookoid at the ready he lurched forward.
There was no time to react, the worm leapt at Kevn and began to slime
him. "AHHHHH!!!!" he flung his hands in the air and began to run in
circles. "Get off me!!!" he screamed. Then a bazookoid fired, Kevn lay
stunned by fear and by the fact he was coated in worm goo. Smoke
billowed from the bazookoid held by...

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