Josh Lebron, relaxing

Who: Josh Lebron
Where: Parott's bar
I sat in parotts bar, round about 10:00pm. God, I was tired, and quite drunk too. My first day on the ship and already faceless. I thoughth I should get off to bed, but kept saying one more drink. Had to start work tomorrow. When I finally got to bed it was gone midnight, but I did'nt care. Don't have to get up until. The crew are good. They won't cock it up. I hope. A skutter (called charlie, I named him, he's become like my personal skutter. Might have somthing to do with the tinkering of his elctronic brain my moi, but there you go) brought me a drink of water. "Cheers" I said, drank it, and lay down. When my eyelids got heavy, I let myself drift into my dreams.......

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