Joining in the party

Who: Chris Harris
When: Shortly after the space eagles left
Where: Shuttle Bay 3
Chris dashed in the Shuttle bay only to see the majority of the new
Space Eagle's disappear into the distance apart from a few that
either had maintenance problems or just weren't required.
He tutted to himself as he walked up to one of the space eagle's and
patted it's hull gently. Unconveniently, he was still covered in
hymie blood and as he noted this he made a mental note to get
changed before he went out later that evening.
He walked up to a small panel on the wall and managed to contact
Jay's ship.
"Harris to Chrysler" he said professionally, flinching as he said
it, detesting the use of his surname.
"Whaddaya you want Chris?" came Jay's voice in response.
"Need an extra pilot? I've still got a pilots liscense after all"
asked Chris.
<tag Jay>
OOC: I couldn't think of anything else to do..and I felt like there *Shrugs*

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