Past Encounters

Who: Robert Griffin
When: Shortly after crew left for the battleship
Where: BD Security Office
Robert Griffin walked casually into the security office. He, as the
ever present, ever persistant health inspector, had the job of
inspecting the security office while the crew were away and noting
possible dangers.
He saw that nobody was present in the room, and was immeadiatly
crestfallen. After all, work is better when you can gossip or
discuss conspiricy thoeries. Nevertheless, he went to work.
After finding around 260 health violations (ranging from "Dead rat on
floor" to "Too much dust on computer screen") he decided to inspect
the desk, just in case that it could be a health risk (i.e. he saw
something juicy)
On the desk lay a file. Of course, as a member of the command staff
he should be able to read all files on the ship. But this was
stamped with 'Security Personnel Only'.
<Aw, to hell with it> Robert eventually decided. He sat and opened
the file. He immeadiatly regretted it. It contained information on
the location of the infamous Widnows 2170 Gesalt Edition Computer.
Robert panicked, the computer that killed his father was located
nearby and was pressumed to be working with the enemy. Robert sat,
in shock for several hours.

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