Space Corp aboard

<snip> Chrizla got up, set his chair straight and, as a mark of
understanding, put Jessie's gun under her pillow. He paused for a
moment, pondering something over in his head; he leanded over, and
gingerly kissed Jessie on her forehead, slightly worried that she
might wake up and think he was taking liberties. But she didn't, so
he was safe. He went back to sleeping in his chair. <end snip>
Who: Jessie, Chrizla, Phil
Where: Medibay, Phil's office
When: about eleven o'clock that night
Jessie woke up again, this time in a medibay that was considerably
darker than it had been. As usual, she evaluated her surroundings as
much as she could before doing anything more then opening her eyes.
She was still wearing her own clothes. That was good, it meant that
whatever the problem was, it wasn't too serious. Chrizla was asleep
next to her bed. And there was a familiar and comforting shape under
her pillow. A solid-projectile handgun, by the feel of it. Probably
the one that Jay had goven her during their escape from that
battleship. Her belt, with the empty holsters that had only too
recently held her favourite blasters, hung over the foot of the bed.
She sat up, and swung her legs out over the side, careful not to
disturb Chrizla. She pulled the gun out, and smiled. Just as she'd
thought. Jessie stood up, reached across to grab her belt, and put it
on, then holstered the gun. Ah, that was much better. Now for
something to go in the other one.
Phil was finishing off the paperwork concerning the non-survivors of
the, well, skirmish wasn't the right word, but he was too tired to
think of a better one. Just a few more, and then he could go to bed.
"What's happenin' dude?" Phil groaned. "what is it Hol?" "Hang on a
mo... got it. Thought you might like to know, there's someone from
the Space Corp aboard." Phil was suddenly wide awake, every inch the
(acting) captain. "How the smeg did they get aboard?" Holly suddenly
looked very embarrassed. "Well... you remember how the ship locked
down earlier, and I had to do the damage report because the Damage
Report machine was down again..." "Just tell me, Hol." "I wasn't
paying attention and let her aboard." "Her?" "Yeah, she said her name
was Jessie Carter, Space Corp. The ident was right, too."
Phil shook his head wearily. He'd better deal with this now. "Thanks,
Hol. Tell her to report to my office immediately."
<tag Phil or Chrizla>
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