Re: Waiting..

WHO: Peter Marwood
WHEN: Talking with Alandra
WHERE: His Quarters
<snip>Alandra bit her lip and sighed. "I like you" Alandra blurted.
Peter just stood there speachless. <end snip>
"W..Well, I really like you too" said Peter, still slightly dazed from
waking up, the beer still in his system & the revelations from Alandra.
"I just thought you should Know, ya know?" mumbled Alandra
Peter didn't feel like having this conversation in the corridor.
Someone like Seymour could be around, if he heard this, their
potential relationship would be ship wide news in 10 seconds, 8 if he
had a phone with him.
"er, would you like to come in for a nightcap or something?" Peter
asked, he was damn well useless at small talk.
"thanks, that would be great" beamed Alandra.
Peter moved aside to let her in. She spent a few seconds looking round
his quarters. It was the standard Officer Quarters, a bunk bed built
into the white walls, a small kitchen & shower unit tucked away to the
side of the entrance. The room was conspicuously neat for a single
bachelor's 'Pad'. The top bunk was bare, indicating that Peter was
living alone.
"Nice digs Peter" she said
"Thanks, I only just moved in."
They sat down, Peter made them a cup of coffee.
"So, where do we go from here? I've never been that good with
relationships. Always felt a bit like a fish out of water around women"
"Well, I could think of a few ideas" Alandra smiled wickedly
(tag to Alandra!- go easy on him ;) )

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