Niples - \"Who\'s child is this?\"

"Do you want this baby to be raised in a proper family" Chris
interjected amongst Jenny's random screams.
"Of course I do, single parenting isn't exactly easy is it" said
Jenny, astonished as to the purpose of such a random question at
such a difficult time.
"Then a one time invitation" said Chris, acting normally for him
"What the hell are you on about?" asked Jenny.
"Marry me?" asked Chris, holding out a ring.
<end snip>
Who: Chris Harris
Where: Outside Medibay
When: An hour later
Chris paced the corridor outside the medibay until Dr Keto came out
to see him.
"Is she okay Doctor? Did she had the baby?"
"Well… she had something. It was brown and smelled really really
"Oh my god, it's a genetic freak! My baby is a genetic freak!"
Shouted Chris.
"No, I mean she just had a large poo. It was false labour Chris,
don't worry. You can see her now."
Chris entered the Medibay, leaving Keto mumbling something about
regretting making her push so hard.
Chris found Jenny laid on a bad inside. He greeted her and gave her
a really awkward peck on the cheek.
"So… about what I said earlier…have you made a decision yet?"
Jenny wasn't a soppy girl, but she held Chris' hand and looked him
in the eyes.
But she was cut off by Seymour bursting through the door. His ego
knocking things off their shelves.
"Never fear! For I am here!"
"Oh my god Seymour, what have you got on you?"
Chris pointed to the bizarre fruit stains on Seymour's Khaki safari
"Oh yes… well me and MK7 have been hunting down in the Arboretum… we
were doing quite well, I think I've caught and slaughtered enough
for a decent fruit-salad!"
"Caught a fruit salad? Wow… erm... well done?" said Chris
sarcastically. Jenny sniggered.
"Yes, well. That reminds me actually, I didn't tell MK7 that I was
leaving, he probably thinks I've been eaten by a large carrot- he's
probably trying to avenge me with a large peeler right now."
Then, Seymour saw Chris still holding Jenny's hand. "What's going on
here? Am I going to be a Dad today or not?"
The comment took Chris offguard. "WHAT! What do you mean YOU'RE
young to be a Dad? I'm the father!"
Jenny looked awkward.
Seymour took a large inhale of air. "YOU ARE NOT!" he bellowed. This
young lady carries the next descendant in the line of the prosperous
Niples'. Or she better do, or I want that widescreen TV back!"
Both of the looked at Jenny accusingly.
<Tag chris!>

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