Deleted character
This is an old character & has been deleted.

Summary: Illuminated Mathematical genius who suffers from a condition similar to Aspergers
Clarence Jones (Yankee Kilo Whiskey)
Owned by:
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Group: Civillians & Other
Game: Blue Dwarf
None yetPhysical Appearance
6'1" Dark brown hair (Long, straight, shaggy and unkempt), deep blue eyesAlways dressed like a homeless man, with several layers of clothing (sort of like a very unkempt version of Tom Baker as Doctor Who crossed with Laslow of Real Genius. He always wears a biking helmet lined with aluminum foil. He NEVER bathes or washes his clothes - if left on his own. (His friend Jake took care of that for the trip, though it took some doing.) His clothes are constantly filled with all sorts of nickknacks he's 'borrowed'. He always has small notepads to write in, often filled with encrypted mathematical equation that only make sense of to his scrambled brains. One notepad is an encrypted hexcode map of the ship that he drew from memory having glanced at the schematics. The pages are out of order, but he can flip through them like he was watching a cartoon and read it just fine.
Personality and Interests
There is a thread that introduces another version of Clarence in the Game Justice For All, in the thread titles The Visitor (starts Jan 2, 2013). That thread gives a good idea how he behaves. He isn't actually autistic.Where do I start? He is a mathematical genius on par with Hawking and all the other greats. He tinkers with computers and has been known to build a powerful computer from scraps of electronics. He has a morbid fear of MiB's, aliens, secret organizations all out to get him. He's a conspiracy theorist that bats about 50/50. To Clarence the universe is filled with interconnecting events of causality.
Clarence's mental break resembles Aspergers Syndrome - a sort of very high functioning autistic savant. Some days he can be quite lucid . Other days ... if you don't speak Clarence you may as well ignore him - though that probably won't work. He has numerous annoying habits. He may pick someone to confide in about EVERYTHING. That will have him knocking on their door at insane hours. Or he may leave 347 emails asking "Are you there?"
He suffers from OCD - of course. He seems to have the innocence of a child at times, often gullible. On the other hand he is also paranoid.
Jake Iverson's sister, Janice, was a medical doctor and prescribed meds to keep Clarence calm, but Clarence hates them and almost never takes them. and Jake didn't think he really needed them either. But Clarence is also not supposed to have coffee, excessive amounts of sugar, etc as they aggravate his condition. Anything that makes his mind race makes things worse.
Clarence actually understands what he is trying to say. The problem is getting it out in a form others can understand. He gets overly excited when he shows up to inform his friends the world is about to end.
Clarence is a brilliant hacker. Codes may as well be written in plain English for him. But he is also deathly afraid of being anywhere near cameras, microphones, cell phones, etc - anything that may get him ID'd. He doesn't even like his name being mentioned by others near them. He prefers You Know Who - or ... Yankee Kilo Whiskey. He will answer to Yankee with a smile.
He is also terrified of hospitals - afraid of getting stuck by 'brain needles'.
Clarence was right. They really WERE out to get him. He was once captured and interrogated. They really did stick his head full of probes - the brain needles. Whether there was really an alien being kept at the base, he will never be able to prove. But someone was really adamant about making him forget and scrambling his brains.Clarence had been going through a process of Satori - Enlightenment. During his torture his mind awoke to its full potential and he saw the universe as though looking through the eyes of God. It was more than his mind could handle. But in that instant he learned his place in the universe - and that he was the center of it. (He can prove this mathematically, of course.)
After his 'escape' Clarence was discovered by Jake Iverson. Clarence was so freaked as they approached the hospital Janice worked at that Jake turned away. Clarence slowly began to recover with care from his friends. He even managed to get himself a girlfriend. (There's nothing wrong with him genetically.)