OngoingWorlds blog

News & articles about play-by-post games, for roleplayers & writers


Taking 5

When we need to reach a certain word count set by the mod, it can be difficult. But not everything needs to be said or even thought. Sometimes, bringing in our five senses gives two characters something to do or talk about. Read More


Characters v. Worlds


When mods create games, they think of two things: the setting and the character. Without a good setting, the world lacks substance enough to hold interest for players. Without good chapters, the story can’t progress in an interesting way. But what do we do to insure a good story? Read More


Adventuring: Continuing On

adventure time

We all have to face it one day. Our game will come to an end. The goal complete and the characters wrapping up the story nicely. Then, someone asks “Want to continue the story or just end it here?” Read More


Sitcoms and Roleplaying Games

Big Bang Theory cast w logoIn today’s entertainment world, it seems we are flooded with a plethora of shows that seem to just run into each other via plots or ideas. These shows tend to be very unsuccessful and usually end within the pilot or the first or second season if they’re lucky. But then, there are those shows that seem to triumph over the rest, the ones that stick out, the ones you might have thought you would hate but would come to love. Situation Comedies or “Sitcoms” go best with this pattern, in a way, roleplaying games can follow suit, since there are games like the baccarat online which is really popular these days. How does it relate? How do you make roleplaying games like sitcoms? Well there’s only one way to find out.  Read More


Original Characters AKA, YOUR Trademark

220px-RegisteredTM.svgOne surefire way to stay on track and expand your creative skills is to make a trademark for yourself, something you use a lot and it carries with you from place to place. This can range from something such as a signature, a saying, something personal. But, in the case of a roleplaying site i.e. Ongoing Worlds, an easy way to make a trademark is to have an original character. Why are they important and how can they make you feel more comfortable in a rp setting? Read More


Tib’s Corner – Interview with 1An0maly1, Tech in Games #YeahHesBack

Yeah. Been a while since you've seen one of these, hasn't it? WELL IT'S BACK

Yeah. Been a while since you’ve seen one of these, hasn’t it? WELL IT’S BACK

One of the biggest parts of a roleplaying game is the tech you bring into it. Technology is the big part of the story. Now you may think tech just kind of refers to more mechanical/futuristic technology such as computers. Well any kind of technology really is needed to blend a perfect roleplay. With that in mind, I got in touch with my good friend, Anomaly, Anom, or 1An0maly1 as he’s known on OW. Anom is currently studying to be an aerospace engineer and is currently interning in California. With his background knowledge, I decided he’d be the best person to talk to about this. Read More


Ask the Admins Q&A

Raised-handsWonder how we do our jobs? Wonder who we actually are? Whether we’re robots,human hybrids, or aliens? What we like to do in our spare time or just general boring questions? Is Dave really a tea powered robot? Well! Now you can!  Read More


I Made Something, And You Should Read It [It’s About Writing]

I'm tiredYeah, don’t ask me why the thumbnail to this is a picture of me really pissed off. I finished the thing and made this around 12:13 am and I have to work the same day so I was tired and cranky [pic’s a bit sloppy too]. But, long story short [trying to stride past my pissed off self] I wrote the first edition to something that could help you [or someone you know] with the in’s and out’s of the wonderful world of writing. Read More


Way with Worlds – Dysfunctions & conflicts in the worlds we create

This was originally posted by Steven Savage on his blog, but has allowed me to republish it here as I think it’s useful for roleplayers! This is part of Steven’s Way With Worlds series of articles.

hometree destruction

Sure we’re all busy building our world, but things go wrong inside the worlds as part of good worldbuilding, and we have to figure out the implications of the crises we create. Read More


Your world is ever-changing

your world is ever changing

In every good story the world is ever-changing, just look at the world in Star Wars (I suppose we should say “galaxy”) at the end of Return of the Jedi, the world had changed completely. In Lord of the Rings, the world had changed throughout.  Read More