OngoingWorlds blog

News & articles about play-by-post games, for roleplayers & writers


USF’s 30th Anniversary: 1995-2025

Main banner/logo from December 18, 1996 (

USF (short for United Space Federation) officially marked its 30th anniversary back in January. One of the oldest clubs still in existence today, they continue to thrive in their chat-based format literally decades after their 1995 launch. To celebrate, they are inviting the entire community to an open house:

And You’re invited!

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Congratulations to the latest Simming Prize Winners

simming prize
The Simming Prize Image by Jack Carter

Editor’s note: The awards season continues!

Please help me in congratulating the 2020 and 2021 Simming Prize winners. They are all more than deserving, each serving the community in their own unique way. While some are relative newcomers, others have been with us for many years. They represent the cream of the crop within simming & online role playing, and give us all something to strive towards.  Well done, Simming Prize Laureates!


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