OngoingWorlds blog

News & articles about play-by-post games, for roleplayers & writers


Rough Riffs by Tweet RPG

Rough Riffs RPG - Tweet RPG

I’m always interested when roleplays do something different, and Tweet RPG is definitely different. Ran by Sam Richards, Tweet RPG allows players to control the story by voting on Twitter. I interviewed Sam a while ago, and there’s some more articles about using Twitter for roleplaying here. Read More


Sam Richards – Tweet RPG

A while ago we featured an article by Sam Richards, who runs a text-based roleplay on Twitter called Tweet RPG. I caught up with Sam again to ask him more about how he uses Twitter for roleplaying, and now the players control the story. Read More


Tweet RPG, roleplaying on Twitter

DavidThe following article was written by Sam Richards, a Creative Writing graduate and geek from Wiltshire, UK. I’ve known about Tweet RPG for a while, always seeing fragments of their story on Twitter, but never truely understanding what they do, so I asked Sam for more detail.

Tweet rpg

Tweet RPG uses Twitter to provide users with an innovative new way of enjoying text-based adventures

If you want to enjoy fun, free, follower-defined adventures on Twitter, then get involved with Tweet RPG! All you need is a Twitter account and an imagination.

Tweet RPG takes the create-your-own-adventure format of roleplaying games and morphs it into a truly social and multiplayer experience. Stories progress through updates posted on Twitter, with a set of options at the end of each update. The players then have a twelve-hour window to cast their vote as to how the adventure should continue, with the majority choice shaping the story. All it takes is one tweet to change the hero’s destiny! Read More