OngoingWorlds blog

News & articles about play-by-post games, for roleplayers & writers


Anton Yelchin’s top 5 moments as Ensign Chekov

Anton Yelchin as Chekov

In 2009, J. J. Abrams and a crew of talented actors relaunched the Star Trek franchise with a vengeance, wowing fans with sumptuous special effects, fast-paced action and reimaginations of the Original Series characters that left fans wondering if the two casts had some kind of mental link. Read More


10 of the greatest Spock quotes

In 2015 we lost Leonard Nimoy, best known as Spock from Star Trek. Although we don’t have many Star Trek games on OngoingWorlds (the ones we have are here), there are many fans among us, and the Star Trek universe still thrives in so many online roleplaying games. Below are some of the best quotes by Spock, which really make you think.

loss of life is to be mourned, but only if life is wasted

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