OngoingWorlds blog

News & articles about play-by-post games, for roleplayers & writers


Congratulations to our 2017 Squiddie Award Winners!

Earlier this year, we asked the simming & online role playing community to nominate their very best for our pinnacle award, the Ongoing Worlds Medal for Superior Online Role Playing (affectionally known as the Squiddie).  You responded with 19 nominations for 17 different people, games, and clubs.  And my what an outstanding group it was!  The consistent high-caliber of the nominees made our job of picking winners extremely difficult.  For that reason, I want to personally thank everyone for providing us such a great group to choose from… even though it made our job more challenging.

If you recall, Squiddies are awarded to only one person, one game, and one club each year.  The prizes come in three categories (Excellence in Role Playing, Originality & Innovation, and Facilitating the Community Experience) and are awarded primary for actions during the prior calendar year.  In this case, 2016.  Without any further ado, here are your 2017 Ongoing Worlds Medal for Superior Online Role Playing Laureates… Read More


The other Simming Prize winners… including The Gamemaster!

I was emailed today by Chas Hammer (one of the Simming prize trustees), letting me know that he’s updated the Roleplay Wiki with the other Simming Prize winners (I posted last week to let you all know that OngoingWorlds was a winner – see here).

One of the other winners was our very own The Gamemaster from OngoingWorlds. The Gamemaster is in many games, such as Darkfalls, Hero High & Spellbound (see his profile here for a full list). Read More


Interview with Mike Bremer about Starbase 400

Starbase 400

I recently had a chat with Mike Bremer, CO of the Star Trek play-by-post game Starbase 400, part of the 9th fleet roleplay community. I asked Mike a few questions, and got an interview going about his game, which I’ve published for you lucky buggers below! 🙂

How did Starbase 400 first come about? How long has Starbase 400 been running?

Mike BremerThe Simm launched in 1995 as the USS Pegasus in the now defunct Seventh Fleet. Mark Casey then moved the simm to Tango Fleet when he started it in 1996. I joined the simm a few months later, and then took over as CO in 1997. It’s ran continuously under my command since then. Read More