2020 Squiddie Award Winners

After announcing this year’s award and receiving nominees, it’s time reveal the winners for the long overdue 2020 awards:
By Nim
Category: Awards, Competition, Roleplay-related projects, Roleplaying community Tags: RPG Writing, SJet, Squiddies, USS Chuck Norris 1 Comment
After announcing this year’s award and receiving nominees, it’s time reveal the winners for the long overdue 2020 awards:
By David Ball
Category: Awards, Competition, Roleplay-related projects, Roleplaying community Tags: Board of advisors, Squiddies 1 Comment
The window for Squiddie nominations has closed, and my did we get some good ones! In addition to the high quality, I was surprised by the sheer number of nominations we received: 88 total over all three years. It’s quite a bit for our judges to go through the next few weeks!
I would also like to thank Nim for taking over as the coordinator for the Squiddies moving forward. It’s a big, but often thankless job so I’ll thank you: Thank you, Nim!
Expect to see the winners announced soon. Until then, here are your Squiddie nominees:
By Nim
Category: Awards, Competition, Roleplaying community Tags: Squiddies 2 Comments
It’s time, and also past time, to open the annual Squiddie awards to nominations from the community.
As it turns out, we still need to award winners for 2020, 2021, and 2022. Yes, we’re way behind! Each year, three entities win a Squiddie for their actions and achievements of the prior year. To translate that into English: the 2020 award is for achievements made during 2019, the 2021 award is fore achievements made during 2020, and the 2022 award is for achievements made during 2021. Confusing? We know, and we’re sorry! Of course it wouldn’t be that confusing if we had done these when they’re supposed to happen!
The due date for all submissions is February 15, 2022. If you’re unsure if you should submit your game, a community, or an outstanding person…. Just do it! (Sorry, Nike.) There are a lot of great people, games, and clubs out there, and we want to hear about them.
By Chris
Category: Awards, Roleplaying community Tags: 5th Fleet, Awards, Largehobbit, ongoing worlds, Ongoing Worlds Community Platform, Project Khitomer, Squiddies, Vault713 Leave a Comment
The path was long and arduous, the list of names received from the area were grand names, and sifting through them was as difficult as the journey. Many perils along the way tried to get in the way, instead just causing delays. But alas plans came together and the end was nigh – the weary traveler arrived at last, bursting through the doors to bring the good news. Squiddie was done at last.
Yes, that’s right. The 2019 Squiddies Winners are here and ready to announce. As linked above, we have gone through a slightly delayed process, but there was much thought and deliberation for these winners. I want to thank the OngoingWorlds Board for their efforts, and all those who nominated folks initially. Most of all, I’d like to thank all the roleplayers and storytellers out there that make things fantastical and wonderful and adventurous for the rest of us!
By Chris
Category: Awards, Competition, Roleplaying community Tags: Awards, Squiddies 1 Comment
Congratulations to our 2019 Squiddie Nominees. Since our announcement of the awards this year back in February, we have received a total of 41 nominations from a wide variety of folks, and ruling out duplicates we have: 8 people, 13 games, and 5 clubs. Thanks to all who nominated!
By Chris
Category: Awards, Roleplay-related projects, Roleplaying community Tags: Awards, Squiddies Leave a Comment
Testing. Testing. One, two, three. Ok, this thing is on, so pay attention!
The Squiddies are upon us, and it is time to get your submissions in. The due date is March 15, 2019 so get them in. And if you’re unsure if you should submit your game, community, or an outstanding person? Do it! There are a lot of great people and games out there, and we want to hear about them.
Before I put the details here, remember you can also submit your games to the Tournament of Sims (ToS). Your sims might be able to win both awards in one year!
By Charles Star
Category: Awards, Behind the scenes - running RPGs, Competition, Events, Play-by-post discussion, Roleplay-related projects, Roleplaying community Tags: sciworld, Squiddies, tournament of simulations 3 Comments
That’s right, we’re accepting Squiddie, ToS, and SciWorld nominations all at the same time! Good luck! Read More
By Charles Star
Category: Awards, Competition, Events, Roleplaying community Tags: Board of advisors, Bravo Fleet, Obsidian Fleet, October Veritas, Squiddies, UCIP, USS Black Hawk, USS Vindicator 2 Comments
By Charles Star
Category: Awards, Competition, Roleplaying community Tags: Squiddies Leave a Comment
Congratulations to all of the 2018 Squiddie Nominees! In response to our June post, we received 11 nominations for 10 people, 6 nominations for 6 games, and 3 nominations for 3 clubs. In case you lost count, that’s 20 total nominations for 19 different entities. All 19 are outstanding in their own right and deserving of top-level awards. Unfortunately, we can only award 3 Squiddies every year: one person, one game, and one club. We have our work cut out for us!
Without further ado, here are your 2018 nominees in no particular order… Read More
By Charles Star
Category: Awards, Competition, Events, Roleplaying community Tags: Board of advisors, Squiddies 11 Comments
The time is here! Time for YOU to nominate the best from our community to win a Squiddie (aka The Ongoing Worlds Medal for Superior Online Roleplaying). Each year we present Squiddies to three different entities: one person, one sim/game, and one club. Squiddies are bestowed for exemplifying one or more of the following characteristics, primarily during the previous calendar year:
You can read about past winners here: 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 Read More
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