I received an email this morning from Chas Hammer with this message:
On behalf of the Simming Prize Trustees, it is with great pleasure that I award Ongoing Worlds the Prize for Simming and Online Role Playing in Memory of Seth Cotis aka the Simming Prize. Obviously, last year we awarded you personally for your work at Ongoing Worlds, but this year we wanted to recognize Ongoing Worlds as a collective effort, and honor all the games and contributors who have helped build Ongoing Worlds into the amazing hub of online role-playing.
This was quite a surprise! Like Chas says above, last year the award was given to me personally – although I did say it was for everyone in this article, but this time it really IS for everyone in the OngoingWorlds community, so well done you!
And I certainly agree. This community is a great one, and the website has increased so much in popularity over the last few years. Many people put a lot of effort into their posts, and I’m talking about you. So give yourself a pat on the back 🙂 This certificate is for you!
In fact, print it out and frame it, so you can look at it all the time and remember how ace you are. Here it is:
I want to make a special mention to all the SquidGuard, who help keep the trolls at bay, and maintain law and order on OngoingWorlds!
Also I want to thank those who have donated to our monthly server costs. We haven’t yet managed to raise enough for the year, so please donate if you’re enjoying OngoingWorlds! It definitely helps.
Oh yeah, the year in the title is intentionally last year, before you ask! As the award is given at the end of the year. Hilariously though it’s taken more than 6 months for this to be announced (nominations were asked for back in December), and if you look at the date on the certificate it’s also taken 2 months for someone to email it to me!