OngoingWorlds blog

News & articles about play-by-post games, for roleplayers & writers


Tib’s Corner – Interview with 1An0maly1, Tech in Games #YeahHesBack

Yeah. Been a while since you've seen one of these, hasn't it? WELL IT'S BACK

Yeah. Been a while since you’ve seen one of these, hasn’t it? WELL IT’S BACK

One of the biggest parts of a roleplaying game is the tech you bring into it. Technology is the big part of the story. Now you may think tech just kind of refers to more mechanical/futuristic technology such as computers. Well any kind of technology really is needed to blend a perfect roleplay. With that in mind, I got in touch with my good friend, Anomaly, Anom, or 1An0maly1 as he’s known on OW. Anom is currently studying to be an aerospace engineer and is currently interning in California. With his background knowledge, I decided he’d be the best person to talk to about this. Read More


Ask the Admins Q&A

Raised-handsWonder how we do our jobs? Wonder who we actually are? Whether we’re robots,human hybrids, or aliens? What we like to do in our spare time or just general boring questions? Is Dave really a tea powered robot? Well! Now you can!  Read More


I Made Something, And You Should Read It [It’s About Writing]

I'm tiredYeah, don’t ask me why the thumbnail to this is a picture of me really pissed off. I finished the thing and made this around 12:13 am and I have to work the same day so I was tired and cranky [pic’s a bit sloppy too]. But, long story short [trying to stride past my pissed off self] I wrote the first edition to something that could help you [or someone you know] with the in’s and out’s of the wonderful world of writing. Read More


COMING SOON – Ongoing Worlds Image Contest

OW-IOMHey guys! Tib here. Right now I am announcing the first Ongoing Worlds Image Of The Month contest! The contest has not started yet so please don’t start to work on anything if you plan on competing. The contest will have a theme and those who wish to participate can create an image referring to the topic and an OW game of their choosing [One that they are a part of]. If you’re thinking about competing fill out the form below and let me know! Keep an eye on the blog for any updates relating to the contest and the contest start!  *Note that this contest is limited to OW members and OW games!*

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Labyrinthine and Immersion Storylines

I've had those nights of writer's block before

This is a screen shot from the game. I posted it because it’s like one of the many nights we’ve all had with the dreaded blank computer screen when trying to post with writer’s block

I have just recently played a demo for a very interesting game created last year by Galactic Cafe and released on the Source Engine. The game was called the Stanley Parable. The Stanley Parable is completely based off of choice and decision where you only have a few controls. WASD to move, mouse to look around, and the mouse 1 button to press buttons or open the occasional door. The game features three main factors. Stanley, the silent protagonist of the game. The Narrator, the faceless man with the British accent that narrates the story and Stanley’s actions. Read More


How To Properly Leave A Game


It’s a sad but true fact. Sometimes a game we might be a part of just may seem like it’s not the same or we’re just not interested in it anymore. This happens with most games and if for some reason it seems you can’t make peace with the problem at hand, you may feel like you want to leave. It’s a sad fact but it’s a true fact that some members just may not feel interested in the gameplay anymore and they want to leave. But how do you leave? Do you just unsubscribe? Do you delete your character and then subscribe? If you’ve answered yes to any of those questions, you’re wrong.

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Challenge Accepted

Why do we roleplay?  What point do I dictate by typing these words upon this screen?  To explain, to confined, to emphasize?   What point is there in continuing to come back to this reality when the real world is so beckoning, so insisting that I take out the trash?

I’m sure many have tried this, to explain why we tend to write, to live outside ourselves through some off handed dwarf, elf, commanding officer, or some other conceived creature of creation.  Many have come to assume it’s an escape, a means to leave the stress and sometimes confining reality we live in.
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PBEM? Play-by-post? Roleplay? RPG? play-by-email? We need to pick a name and stick with it!

Speech bubble saying "PBEM"Name your hobby. Go on. Because I can’t.

When I first started roleplaying I learned that the term to use was PBEM. Sometimes the agreement over capitalisation would alter like PbEM or PBeM, but it’s essentially the same. It stands for “play by email”, the way that I used to play. People would send emails to a newsgroup, to be distributed to the other members. Read More


Make your character fail a few times before succeeding

Superman vs Batman

Even the mighty Superman has weaknesses and obstacles to overcome

In this article we’ll talk about why things shouldn’t ever be too easy for your character, and how you can do to make things more interesting by putting obstacles in their way.

Your character should be realistic

So you’re playing a PBEM game and you want your character to be as believable as possible. The reason why you want this is so that other members of the game will read your posts and really feel like your character is a real person.

In reality, good things don’t happen all of the time. For total realism, sometimes bad things happen to good people. If you want to do something in real life, there will be things standing in your way. Similarly if your character wants to do something, there should be obstacles that they should overcome before they achieve their goal.

If characters on TV or films achieved what they wanted to straight away, we’d cut out the story, and that’s the interesting bit!

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Using OOC to instruct other members

Punch and Judy

Sometimes it's time to put your characters down and speak as yourself

OOC is an acronym for “out of character”. It is usually used in a PBP or PBEM game to indicate that the following text is written by the author, and not intended as speech from the point of view of the writer’s character.

If you see this in a post, it usually means that the following paragraph has been written by the member as something intended to communicate to other members, like an instruction or comment. The member is making it clear that this is something they are saying, and not the character they are writing about.

When is it used?

Use an OOC comment at the start of your post, or at the end to either comment on the post, or at the end to give a suggestion or instruction about what the reader should do next.

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