OngoingWorlds blog

News & articles about play-by-post games, for roleplayers & writers


We’ve been spoofed!

Okay It’s not often I post satire here, but OngoingWorlds has been spoofed by the satire site Outpost 42 News, which is sort of like The Onion, or The Daily Mash, you’ve probably seen the type, but for the roleplay community. Read More


Moving beyond legacy content is essential


Written by Andrew Facemire.

After a period where I was in a malaise as a host of my long-running chat-based RPG, Excalibur, I began to realize that, for a variety of reasons, many of the plot-threads I was expecting players to work with were, to them, what many of the “legacy” storylines I inherited were to me when I came aboard almost ten years ago. Read More