OngoingWorlds blog

News & articles about play-by-post games, for roleplayers & writers


Where to Advertise Your Game: 2025 Edition

Billboard that says join my play-by-post game

It’s been nearly four and half years since our last advertising update. While the billboard above might be the same, the landscape has certainly changed!

Check out our lists below to find the best places to advertise your play-by-post game.

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7 Great Places to Advertise Your PBEM or Roleplaying Game

Billboard that says join my play-by-post game

We’ve posted several articles over the years on how and where to advertise your games:

However as most things do, websites and resources come and go. Given that our most recent article on the topic is now over 4 years old, we thought it would be a good time to provide an update. Here are 7 areas to think about when it comes to advertising and promoting your games:

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Games Lacking Members

themurdergameIt’s Mike again with a post about a common problem in the Play by Post RPG community: a lack in members. This could be anything from only having two members, to having fifty and only six actually post. This article will cover the strains of operating a game without many members, and feature several games that are currently lacking members on Ongoing Worlds. If you don’t want to read my advice, the I URGE you to read through the list of games lacking members! These guys have worked hard on their games and would love nothing better than to have you join!

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