OngoingWorlds blog

News & articles about play-by-post games, for roleplayers & writers


PBEM definition: What is a Lurker?

PBEM lurker kitty

Wikipedia’s definition:
In Internet culture, a lurker is typically a member of an online community who observes, but does not actively participate.

Lurkers – Good or bad?

As all posts on OngoingWorlds are publically accessible, you might have lurkers reading your posts. You might consider this good or bad.
But remember:

Lurkers might be people who haven’t joined your game yet.
Because all posts on OngoingWorlds are public (except for private games),they’re viewable by anyone. Someone can just start reading your posts like a book if they want, which is great because they might like it so much they’ll join. Or they might even decide that they’re just happy reading. Read More


FAQ – How do I get awards on my profile?

You might notice that some people have quite a few awards on their profile. Some of these are the normal, black trophy-looking awards, and some are the green ones with a shiny medal on (see the image below).

The awesome supporter trophy

User Threnody has an “Awesome supporter” award for donating

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FAQ – Can I change my username?


This question was asked by Melissa on our Facebook page after a discussion about our new FAQ section Read More


FAQ – Can I transfer a game to another player?


I’ve decided it might be a good idea to write some articles here that answer some of the questions I get about functionality on OngoingWorlds. Might be useful for everyone right?

This one was asked by Melissa White on our Facebook pageCan I transfer a game to another player? 

Answer – Yes it can be done. But let me explain a few things first. Read More