OngoingWorlds blog

News & articles about play-by-post games, for roleplayers & writers


30 awesome-sounding Aztec names that you probably can’t pronounce

Aztec or Mayan warriors

Sometimes finding a unique name is difficult, but at least these names aren’t common! If you need Aztec-sounding names, for NPCs or player characters in your story or game, choose from this list.  Read More


The art of the Dwarven Insult

dwarf insult

Dwarfs are known for their colourful use of the common tongue, especially when it comes to insults. Sometimes these are meant in jest, with some dwarfs known to use words as a weapon to rile up and anger their opponent into making a mistake. A few dwarfs have taken to using this as a part of their arsenal in battle, with a few being true masters of the insult, making their opponent slip up and attack them in anger, only to be met with a well-placed axe or hammer to the head. Read More