OngoingWorlds blog

News & articles about play-by-post games, for roleplayers & writers


This month is sponsored by…

Each month, the OngoingWorlds website has hosting costs that are in part covered by our Hero Members. However, we currently don’t have enough hero Members to cover the entire month’s hosting, so it’s always nice to receive a whole month’s hosting up front (there’s an option here).

This month has been very kindly sponsored by Hero Member: Noemi, who donated yesterday.

Thanks very much Noemi!

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It’s… Also SciWorld Time!

Last year’s title card

Yep, time to get those SciWorld Online Convention hosting nominations in too. While the 20-year anniversary for SciWorld was last year, it’s still special every time.

Send nominations to me at star [dot] idf [at] gmail [dot] com with the subject SciWorld: Nominee Name and include the following:

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It’s… ToS Time!

I recently posted about my own 20-year simming anniversary. Or is that birthday? Here’s another: It’s been 20 years of ToS (aka Tournament of Simulations). That’s right, the original ToS was held for the year 1999. ISO Troi ran it, and the Simming League sponsored it. While it’s been 20 years since that first ToS, this is actualy the 15th competition as not all years had a tournament. Another interesting bit of trivia: According to the surviving records, 167 total awards have been bestowed.

Okay, enough reminiscing. How about get on with the nominations?

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20 Years of Sunfire Script

Utopia Fleet

For as long as I can remember, I’ve heard people say, “I’ve been simming for 20 years.” Well, I can finally say it myself.

I’ve been simming for 20 years. 

Wow, that felt good!

On February 16, 2000, the USS Sunfire NCC-3935, a Bedford class starship, launched in old Utopia Fleet’s Deep Space Exploration Division.  I was the ship’s CMO.  That’s Chief Medical Officer for all you non-Trek role players.  Fast forward to today and it’s hard to image my life without play-by-post role playing.

I’ve been a writer, a politician, a diplomat, a founder, an editor, a counselor, an investigator, a philosopher, a Captain, an Admiral, and even a game show host–all of which are never going to happen IRL (that’s In Real Life for you non-simmers).  Role playing’s taught me a lot about people, life, and myself.  All in all, it’s been a fun ride.

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2018 Simming Prize Winners Announced!

This article was posted at the request of John Nugra, the Administrator of the Simming Prize.

The Simming Prize dates back to 1999 in honoring the very best of the online role playing community.  Up to five Prizes are awarded annually to people, sims, clubs, and other organizations that (1) exemplify service, quality, and dedication within play-by-post online role-playing; or who (2) pioneer new technology or techniques within the community. The Prizes can recognize a significant onetime accomplishment, or sustained contributions over a period of time.  The Simming Prize is presented in the memory of longtime role player and leader Seth Cotis.  

After careful consideration and thoughtful deliberation, the Simming Prize trustees and judges hereby award the 2018 Simming Prize to:

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Create your own Star Wars saga

Whatever you thought of the latest Star Wars movie, you might be wondering about what other stories there are to tell in a galaxy far far away…

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Best articles of 2019!

Hello! Here is a handpicked list of the best articles from 2019 (I’ve filtered out news). These have been contributed by different people from our awesome community!

Many of the articles this year were about the Simming Endeavour, which was a Game Show organised by Charles Star, which was enjoyed by lots of people! Click here to see all articles about the Simming Endeavour. Here are our best other articles:

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Simming Get Together IRL 2021

How would you like to meet other role players IRL? IRL stands for In Real Life, by the way. We do a lot together online–write stories, attend conventions, and generally hang out. What would it be like to meet outside of the Internet?

Let’s find out! We’re tentatively planning to host a convention or rally sometime in 2021. That’s literally all we know right now: it’ll be in 2021! If you’re interested, click on the link below and fill out the form.

Interest form: Click Here

That’s it!


Unique Holidays

So, you want to include a holiday, but don’t want to have the traditional names so you don’t upset anyone who doesn’t celebrate the upcoming event. Well, why not invent your own name for it and send an OOC to your players? Read More


The Simming Endeavor: Episode 12 (Finale)

Hello, and welcome to the final edition of The Simming Endeavor, the online role playing elimination game of skill, luck, and cunnning. I’m Charles Star, and I’m your host. As you probably already know, this experiment is both sim and game show at the same time. The contestants role play together in the play-by-post sim we created on the Ongoing Worlds platform while weekly blog posts here simultaneously serve as game show episodes. Last week we announced our two finalists. This week, one will be named champion and receive the top prize of $100 USD. Who will it be? Largehobbit or Corliss Fortune?

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