Some useful articles for writing about characters

There’s quite a few articles on this website with advice for creating & writing characters that you might have missed. Here’s a list of some useful ones:
There’s quite a few articles on this website with advice for creating & writing characters that you might have missed. Here’s a list of some useful ones:
You might be writing a science fiction story, like one of the many sci-fi roleplay stories here on OngoingWorlds, like Jericho or Star Wars: Balance of the Force.
At some point your characters might find themselves on an alien planet, about to meet a new race of unfamiliar aliens. Or visit a spacestation of a different alien culture. You might want to make that species as different as possible, to give it an exciting bit of flavour, and put your characters completely out of their element.
Maybe the aliens are hostile? Maybe they’re friendly. Here are some tools that can help you come up with some unique aliens:
This page will generate a short alien description. There’s also a page for creating a unique alien name here.
This creates an alien description & goes into a lot more detail than the one above, as it can create a lot of detail about the culture. Also there’s a page to generate an alien planet name for this alien species here.
Stuck for creating a name? You could use a random generator. We’ve got a big list of links to random generators for all sorts of things, character names, planet names, Elf names, etc.
But the lists below are specifically for creating a spaceship name. Different scifi universes have different rules of spaceship names. For example the Star Trek universe normally has spaceships named after famous explorers, or positive-sounding words. Whereas the Star Wars universe has aggressive sounding names.
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