2015 Simming Fall Festival
image by Jalana Rajel
That’s right, the 2015 Simming Fall Festival will be held on December 5th from 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM EST (1:30 PM to 10:30 PM GMT). Ongoing Worlds is proud to announce that UFOP: StarBase 118 will be hosting, with James Drysdale serving as chairman. You may remember that UFOP also hosted the 2013 festival, which was wildly successful.
For a few short hours in December, the entire simming and online role playing community will come together to share ideas, role play, and join in a few trivia games–all in IRC chat rooms. James and UFOP will be on point to make it all happen. FallFest is not only open to all simmers and role players on the net, but all are also permitted to host one or more one-hour events within the festival. So what does it mean for you?
- First, plan to attend: This is the premier community event of the year!
- Invite all your friends: Let them in on the fun too!
- If you would like to host a one-hour discussion, role play, or trivia game, email James at renos[at]starbase118[dot]net
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