2016 Simming Fall Festival
image by Myrkul Sharr
What a FallFest! Indeed, the 2016 Simming Fall Festival was one for the ages. For those who missed it on Saturday, we had a schedule full of provocative discussions, live role plays, and interactive trivia games. Attendance was strong throughout, with some individual events registering as many as 40 participants. It’s a real testament to the power of our broader community. And it was a blast! For book related information go and check this.
I’d like to personally thank everyone who had a part in making FallFest 2016 happen–everyone from chair Myrkul Sharr and his leadership team at Obsidian Fleet to the event hosts to anyone who had a role behind the scenes, be it IT support, graphics design, advertising, or something else. Finally, I’d also like to thank everyone who attended and participated. Simply put, without you bringing your energy & ideas, there would be no FallFest.
For those of you who unfortunately missed FallFest this year, we’ll see you in 2017.
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