OngoingWorlds blog

News & articles about play-by-post games, for roleplayers & writers


Last Call for 2018 ToS Nominees!

Last month we asked for Squiddie nominations, ToS submissions, and SciWorld hosting applications.  If you’re interested in the Squiddies or SciWorld, refer back to that link for how to make your submissions.  If, however, you’re looking to submit your games for the Tournament of Simulations (ToS), we’ve decided to simplify it below: Read More


Get your 2019 Squiddies in now!

Testing. Testing. One, two, three. Ok, this thing is on, so pay attention!

The Squiddies are upon us, and it is time to get your submissions in. The due date is March 15, 2019 so get them in. And if you’re unsure if you should submit your game, community, or an outstanding person? Do it! There are a lot of great people and games out there, and we want to hear about them.

Before I put the details here, remember you can also submit your games to the Tournament of Sims (ToS). Your sims might be able to win both awards in one year!

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Introducing the Newest Ongoing Worlds Community Honor Recipients

It’s been far too long since we awarded an OngoingWorlds Community Honor (OWCH), but I think it’s important to recognise when someone has done something great in the community.

Tbh there’s so much awesomeness going on right now actually, the community around OngoingWorlds is blossoming, and it feels like there’s loads of events going on all the time that span not just this community, but the entire roleplaying community. Here’s the new recipients of the OWCH: Read More


Project Khitomer online convention

The below was sent to me by Andrew Greenfelt from Bravo Fleet & this sounds like a great event to get roleplayers together! Here’s the info:

You are cordially invited to Project Khitomer on Saturday, February 23rd starting at 3pm GMT (10am EST). Khitomer is a unique, online swimming convention hosted by Bravo, Obsidian, and Pegasus Fleets on a dedicated Discord server. Read More


Squiddies and ToS and SciWorld, Oh my!

That’s right, we’re accepting Squiddie, ToS, and SciWorld nominations all at the same time!  Good luck! Read More


How Does the Tournament of Simulations (ToS) Work?

Despite the image, we’re not currently accepting nominations for the 2018 Tournament of Simulations (ToS).  But that will happen very soon… so stay tuned!

In 2016 we published an article on how to win Squiddies that explained in great detail how the process works.  Even though that piece briefly discussed ToS and gave what is still the best advice regarding ToS (Just Enter!), we thought it would be helpful to pull back the curtain on this competition as well.

So here’s everything you need to know about the Tournament of Simulations:

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Two big things I’ve learned by being on OngoingWorlds

This article was submitted to us by OngoingWorlds member Phineaus

There are two big things that I have learned by being on the site.

The first is that while I may enjoy reading different genres of writing, writing in them is not as easy as I thought it would be. I have jumped into two games and learned quickly that my style of writing did not fit. I have been enjoying reading the post and following the games, but it is hard to jump in a meaning full way. Because my writing style feels like a flat tire.  Read More


Best articles of 2018!

Hello! Here is a handpicked list of the best articles from 2018 (filtering out news) ordered by popularity (lowest to highest). These have been contributed by different people from our awesome community! Read More


Stats from 2018!

Hello everyone! At this time of year it’s nice to reflect on the previous year, so here’s some stats from 2018: Read More


FallFest Always Delivers

It always delivers.  Every single time.  For those who may have unfortunately missed the 2018 Simming Fall Festival, it was a day full of provocative discussions, live role plays, and interactive trivia games.  It was fantastic from start to finish in every measure: A real testament to the power of our broader community.  Simply put, FallFest was a blast! Read More