You might have noticed some users on OngoingWorlds have their avatars displayed on their posts, while others don’t.
That’s because some users are Hero Members, which means they are super special and donate monthly to the upkeep of OngoingWorlds (our hosting costs money, which is paid for by members).
Displaying an avatar on a post looks something like this:
Without Hero Members donating to the monthly hosting, there wouldn’t even be an OngoingWorlds, so we should be eternally grateful to them!
Become a Hero!
You can become a Hero by donating $2 per month – You can cancel whenever you want. You’ve got 2 different options to donate:
Click the “Subscribe” button on the Donation page. It’ll take you to a Paypal donation form with $2 pre-filled.
Patreon is a service to allow communities like ours get paid, it’s a great option because it’s an easy way to donate, plus it’s a bit more visible and lets others know about us.
To donate through Patreon, click this link. Then click “Become a Patreon”.