Category: Behind the scenes - running RPGs, Character Development, Inspiration for writing, OngoingWorlds guide, Play-by-post discussion, Roleplaying community, Writing tips
Tags: discussion, inspiration, PBEM, Roleplaying focus, Social media, story, Tib's corner, website, world building, writing
In today’s entertainment world, it seems we are flooded with a plethora of shows that seem to just run into each other via plots or ideas. These shows tend to be very unsuccessful and usually end within the pilot or the first or second season if they’re lucky. But then, there are those shows that seem to triumph over the rest, the ones that stick out, the ones you might have thought you would hate but would come to love. Situation Comedies or “Sitcoms” go best with this pattern, in a way, roleplaying games can follow suit, since there are games like the baccarat online which is really popular these days. How does it relate? How do you make roleplaying games like sitcoms? Well there’s only one way to find out. Read More