We Need A FallFest Host!
Hello everyone!
It is that time of year again… for what you ask… FallFest or the Simming Fall Festival! With us entering the season of FallFest we need to select a host. It is the first time for applicant selections through SimmingHub but we are trying to keep things like they were in the past. If you’re interested in hosting & chairing the role playing world’s premier one-day community event, submit an application by September 4th. FallFest has been held every year since our first festival back in 2011 started by OngoingWorlds.
For those who may be new to these events, FallFest is a one-day online convention held annually in Discord chat rooms for anything and everything simming and online role playing. We remember our past and look towards the future. It generally runs for a few hours and includes provacative discussions, trivia games, and live role plays. Originally intended to be a mini-SciWorld more friendly to European time zones, FallFest has since grown into much more!
We need a host & chair to make it all happen!