OngoingWorlds blog

News & articles about play-by-post games, for roleplayers & writers


What is Open Role Playing?

Captain Dick Sprague, Commanding Officer of the USS Chuck Norris

That’s a question I get a lot when people read or hear about my game, the USS Chuck Norris, as it’s quite different from most other sims out there.  But before I answer that question, I should first explain what the Chuck Norris is to set up the proper context.

The USS Chuck Norris is a play-by-email sim, but we use the NOVA system from Anodyne Productions that came out a few years ago.  Play-by-post seems to be the most popular term today for this type of game.  We launched on January 2nd, 2012, and are a member of Independence Fleet.  There are currently 16 active players on the Chuck Norris, and many have been with us for more than a year.  Although, we also have quite a few players that have been simming for less than six months.

With that out of the way, I’ll finally answer the question! Read More


Ongoing Inspiration #OngoingInspiration


I want you think back, think way back if it’s that far. Go back to the time you joined Ongoing Worlds. Was it like stepping out of the safety of the car onto the school grounds for your first day? Was it like walking into a new job? Or was it like finding your new home, somewhere with great people, somewhere to make new memories, somewhere you would not forget. Read More


February Off-Site Game Summary

The Game Summaries started as a periodic article where the GM’s of Ongoing Worlds could show the world their games and what they and their members had been working on for the past while. Now, I’m rolling out the very first off-site summary! This is  a collection of games from across the web, from space stations to jet fighters, from Dr. Who and steampunk airships!

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Maintaining A Community Through Podcasting

Star Trek Borderlands

I’ve been playing in RPG games through Star Trek: Borderlands for 6 years now.  I’ve thoroughly enjoyed the opportunities for creativity that has presented, the friends that I have made, and the ways in which we can continue to build our shared role playing world.

ST:B has been active since 1993, and as far as I know, one of the key features to our sharing has been podcasting. Read More


Tib’s OW 101 | Benefits of the Bad Guy, When The Hero Is Too Much #BadGuysWithBenefits

tumblr_ktna2fMosM1qa02x4o1_400Bad guys, the antagonist, the villain, the creep, always the loser. No matter what it may be a super hero or hero in general always has a bad guy to fight. We all love playing the hero, the guy who gets the girl or the girl who gets the guys because we love to feel good. A bad guy is a major part in roleplaying but sometimes we forget that and we just want to play the good guy.  We hate Mary Sue’s and Gary Stu’s right? Now imagine if there was no Lex Luthor, no Joker, no Green Goblin. A story of a hero would be pointless, the hero would have no bad to fight and everything would be just hunky dory, putting that super hero out of a job. You see that picture of Batman? On the outside, he hates the Joker. But, on the inside, he knows he needs him. This will give you a couple of tips and insight on a good balance with good and evil and why the bad guy is important. Read More


Congrats to all of our Squiddie Nominees!

Nominations for this year’s Ongoing Worlds Medal for Superior Online Role Playing (affectionally known as the Squiddie Award) ended yesterday.  In case you missed it, we asked the entire online role playing community to nominate the best people, games, and clubs for the highest honor bestowed by this organization.  We received 41 total nominations for 32 different people/games/clubs.  And wow, what a great list it is!

Unfortunately, we’re only able to present the award to three (one person, one game, and one club).  We certainly have our work cut out for us!  Without any further ado, let’s introduce the nominees… Read More


February Game Summary *CLOSED*

Hey guys, mike here. So sorry for the late start but things have been hectic for me lately (work, school, getting sick and going down for a week). The February game summary is now open, and submissions are open through February 14th. The same rules apply as usual. Only GM’s can submit, around 100 words, it must be in by the deadline. Read More


Nominations are now open for the 2014 Ongoing Worlds Medal for Superior Online Role Playing

Ongoing Worlds Medal for Superior Online Role Playing

Better known, of course, as the Squiddie Awards.  That’s right, we’re officially accepting Squiddie nominations now through February 10th.

If you’re not familiar with the Squiddies, last cycle’s winners can be found here.  The Squiddie Award is the top honor presented annually by Ongoing Worlds.  Each year it is bestowed to three different entities: one person, one sim/game, and one club.  Prior winners are not eligible for future awards.

Squiddies are presented for exemplifying one or more of the following characteristics, primarily during the previous calendar year:

  • Excellence in role playing
  • Originality and innovation
  • Facilitating the community experience

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Interview with Anodyne Productions!

Nova is installable software by Anodyne Productions for play-by-post games

Nova is installable software by Anodyne Productions for play-by-post games

I recently had the opportunity to sit down with two leaders from Anodyne Productions, the company behind the most popular and most widely used software for Play-by-Post games on the net.  From their humble beginnings several years ago, they’ve ascended to producing the premier simming solutions package.  Instead of putting words in their mouths, here’s what they had to say… Read More


Share Your 2013 Role-Playing Memories

This article was written by Josh from SimmingNet.

Retro space cityAs we step into 2014, we no doubt have some favorite memories from 2013. Whether it was a funny scene you wrote for your character or a cherished memory associating with your fellow writers, we’d love to hear about them! Share your cherished role-playing memories of yesteryear on Twitter with the hashtag #BestSimMemory2013. You can also post them to the SimmingNet Facebook page or to Ongoing Worlds.

We’ll curate and collect them and share our favorites with you later.