OngoingWorlds blog

News & articles about play-by-post games, for roleplayers & writers


Is the term “Mary Sue” sexist & belittling?

Peggy carter is a strong female character, but that doesn't make her a mary sue
There’s an ongoing debate about the term Mary Sue, and what it means in the literary world. In roleplaying, we know that Mary Sue characters can ruin a game for others, but in a novel surely it’s okay for a protagonist to hog the limelight and display all the characteristics of a typical Mary Sue, right? Read More


The Toughest Skill for a Role Player to Have

the toughest skill for a roleplayer

There are a lot of good skills for a roleplayer to have, good grammar is one of them, the ability to keep writing through a dry spell, getting past writer’s block. But if there is one skill that I think is the toughest to have it’s not the ability to create narratives, come up with plots, nor to come up with names (I suck at that last one). It’s selflessness. Read More


Still time to enter your game for the Simulation Cup!

Simulation Cup

2014 Simulation Cup

About a week and a half ago, we announced the 2014 Simulation Cup (historically known as the Tournament of Simulations).  Thus far we’ve received nominations for 18 outstanding games.  And what a group it is!  Everyone who entered a sim into the competition should have already received a confirmation email.  If you have NOT received your confirmation email, please forward your entry form to me at star [dot] idf [at] gmail [dot] com.  Just want to make sure we don’t miss anyone.

I also want to let everyone know that we’ve extended the deadline to submit your game(s) to 24 hours after the publishing of this post.  So there’s still time if you missed the last window… Read More


Two More Ongoing Worlds Community Honor Laureates

Fall festival ongoingworlds squid logoWith another outstanding FallFest in the books, it’s time to officially recognize two people who really made it happen this year.  But before I do that, I want to thank Phoenix Roleplaying and everyone else who had a role, no matter how small, in helping make FallFest ’14 another great success.  Event hosts, promoters, participants, and the like.  Without you guys and gals, we at Ongoing Worlds wouldn’t be able to do what we do.  YOU make these events possible.  So again, thank you!

With Phoenix Roleplaying picking up a Squiddie earlier this year and then hosting the 4th FallFest, history might end up recording 2014 the year of the Phoenix.  Who knows?  Okay, enough from me.  On with the Ongoing Worlds Community Honor… Read More


Will typos & bad grammar bring about the world’s end? (Hint: No it won’t)

Roleplay apocalypse

A few weeks ago I posted an article about spelling and grammar, asking the question how much should you care about grammar in posts in your game. There was a frenzy of comments, some in disgust at the deliberate typo I’d made in the article’s title (I really know how to make writers wince!). Read More


How much do you care about grammar in you’re posts?

Grammar nazi

We’re all writers right? We write posts, we roleplay, we read each other’s posts. How much do you care that other people use correct spelling & grammar? How important is it to you? Read More


There’s nothing better than encouragment

Encourage each other

Roleplaying is quite a difficult hobby, it requires real effort and thought to be put into story and characters. It’s one of the reasons I like it, but yeah, it’s not an easy hobby! Which is why it’s important to get good positive feedback and encouragement from others. Read More


2014 Simming Fall Festival

Fall festival ongoingworlds squid logoFallFest ’14 will be here in just a few short hours!  This year’s pinnacle event for the simming and online role play community is hosted by Phoenix Roleplaying and chaired by Misty Taylor.  Let’s give a special thanks to Misty and everyone at Phoenix for all the hard work they’ve done in preparation for today’s festival. Bravo!  As always, FallFest is open to all simmers and online role players, regardless of rank or club affiliation elsewhere.

The schedule of events includes interactive discussions, dynamic role plays, and engaging trivia games. Read More


So you think you can negotiate?

Negotiation tableEarlier this week we announced that FallFest ’14 would be taking place this Saturday, November 22nd in IRC chat rooms.  If you would like to pre-register or take a look around before things get started, here’s where to go.  A special thanks to Threnody of OngoingWorlds for setting the site and chat rooms up for us.  Well done! Read More


It’s time to announce FallFest ’14!

Fall festival ongoingworlds squid logoEarlier this month, we asked the community for applications to host and chair this year’s FallFest.  The competition was fierce, but one team stood out above the rest.  It gives me great pleasure to announce that Misty Taylor will chair the 4th Simming Fall Festival, and her club, Phoenix Roleplaying, will serve as the host organization.  Congrats to Misty and everyone at Phoenix Roleplaying!  It’s a great honor to host the premier simming and online role playing event of the year.  For a few short hours, the entire community will circle around Phoenix and everything they have to offer us.  Indeed, it’s been one heck of a year for Phoenix. Read More