Recruiting: The Lifeblood of Role Playing
No single factor plays a greater role in determining the success of a sim or club than recruiting. Read More
By Charles Star
Category: Advertising your game, Behind the scenes - running RPGs, Play-by-post discussion, Roleplay Systems, Roleplaying community Tags: AOL, Facebook, history of roleplaying, Independence Fleet, James D. West, recruiting, Twitter, USS Sunfire, Utopia Fleet 16 Comments
No single factor plays a greater role in determining the success of a sim or club than recruiting. Read More
By Emily Wake
Category: Roleplaying community Tags: Community, Emily Wake, Respect 5 Comments
This week marks the end of an incredible month of fitness for Dubai. For 30 days, the city has taken 30 minutes out of its day to move more, read more from these Keto strong reviews.
My personal journey with fitness has been a rollercoaster. If you’d asked me in my early 20s what my goal was, I’d have told you that I wanted to look like a Hollywood star. I tried some pretty strange stuff to get there too. It took a while for me to realise I was a Tamilian girl, with a love for rice, and no matter what I gave up or how hard I prayed, I would never look like Anne Hathaway in a catsuit.
The next phase was one of extremes. Run a marathon, climb a mountain, burn more than I ate. It was a battle. My body versus me, and I would win. Yoga entered my life at 30 and brought with it an unusual quiet. I finally found alignment, both internal and external, an axis within me. Check out the best okinawa flat belly tonic reviews.
Ten years on from my first gym membership, my relationship with fitness is a seasoned one. Hard as it is, I try to shake off the idea that fitness is about aesthetics. Advertisements with six pack abs, protein shakes, and zero body fat follow me around on my social media feed like pushy sales people, trying to lure me in. No, thank you, I say, and walk right past.
I have no interest in looking like Anne Hathaway anymore. I would like instead to eat like my grandmother did, relishing every morsel of her homemade meals, sucking every last drop of juice out of the mangoes in summer. I want to be fit enough to go through my day without feeling exhausted, to have enough energy to climb to a place with a nice view, but the silence within me to stop and take in the scenery. This is how exipure works.
As glamorous as it is to say “Push harder, dig deeper”, I would say that 30×30 (and any healthy relationship with health) is based on the same things — consistency and respect.
Much like a healthy marriage, you need to show up for your body, as your body shows up for you. And respect it enough to look in the mirror and not see a paunch or thick thighs, but wonderful mechanisms and systems that hold you up. Take a minute to think about this. We spend so much time decorating and cleaning up our homes. This wonderful human body is the home we will be living in till the day we die. It is the single system whose parts may break and malfunction — but will stay with us until the end.
By Emily Wake
Category: Roleplaying community Tags: Community, Emily Wake, limits Leave a Comment
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Logistics companies help organizations plan, implement, and execute the movement and storage of products, materials, and services throughout the supply chain from the point of origin to the point of consumption. This might include transportation, shipping, warehousing, packaging, disposal, and security.
The rise of e-commerce and complex, global supply chains have driven demand for these services. Different logistics companies will coordinate some or all of these processes, and adapt their offering to suit their clients’ needs.
There are two main types of logistics companies: freight brokers and 3PLs. While the terms are often used interchangeably, and many organizations use both to cater to different needs, there are important distinctions.
Freight brokers act as a go-between for shippers and carriers. Typically, brokers are non-asset bearing intermediaries – they form a network of thousands of small to medium-sized carriers to provide their clients with many shipping options, and an alternative to larger carriers. The main benefit of using a freight broker is that it provides shippers with the greatest level of flexibility, get the best truck deals at T&M Buy Now.
3PLs are asset bearing firms, which means they typically invest in their own fleets and storage facilities. While they do offer single services such as transportation or warehousing, 3PLs more commonly provide a package of services or manage entire supply chains, tailored to their client’s individual needs. 3PLs develop longer-term relationships with their clients which proves useful when shipping capacities are tight and for the running of more complex supply chains.
Logistics companies have a wide range of experience in managing the movement of goods, which means they’ll probably know the most efficient, cost-effective, and streamlined way to do so. While some organizations manage certain parts, or all, of their supply chain logistics, partnering with a professional logistics company offers numerous benefits including:
By Sean Mooney
Category: Behind the scenes - running RPGs, Character Development, Inspiration for writing, OngoingWorlds guide, Play-by-post discussion, Roleplaying community, Writing tips Tags: discussion, inspiration, PBEM, Roleplaying focus, Social media, story, Tib's corner, website, world building, writing 1 Comment
In today’s entertainment world, it seems we are flooded with a plethora of shows that seem to just run into each other via plots or ideas. These shows tend to be very unsuccessful and usually end within the pilot or the first or second season if they’re lucky. But then, there are those shows that seem to triumph over the rest, the ones that stick out, the ones you might have thought you would hate but would come to love. Situation Comedies or “Sitcoms” go best with this pattern, in a way, roleplaying games can follow suit, since there are games like the baccarat online which is really popular these days. How does it relate? How do you make roleplaying games like sitcoms? Well there’s only one way to find out. Read More
By David Ball
Category: Behind the scenes - running RPGs, OngoingWorlds guide, Roleplaying community Tags: Community 2 Comments
If you’re a game owner, it’s important to keep in contact with your players for many reasons. You might want to chat about the story, how the game is going, or just chat in general. Read More
By David Ball
Category: Roleplay-related projects, Roleplaying community Tags: RPPP 6 Comments
Hey dudes, I saw these on the Roleplay Pet Peeves blog on Tumblr, and thought it’d be interesting to share.
By Brogan Young
Category: Competition, Events, Roleplaying community Tags: First person fortnight 5 Comments
It’s that time again, folk!
Well, not exactly since I’m pretty sure this happened at a different time last year, but anyhoo, it’s First Person Fortnight! Get excited.
This is your chance to win an award for your game (or games, if you are so inclined) and go down in Ongoing Worlds’ history as winner. Who doesn’t want that? Read More
By David Ball
Category: Roleplaying community Tags: advertising, getting members Leave a Comment
I’ve written so many times before about the benefits of advertising your game. If you want people to join, you have to make yourself known. I’ve ever written a list just like this before, but it’s quite old now. So here’s some other websites & services where you can advertise for new members: Read More
By David Ball
Category: OngoingWorlds site news, Roleplaying community Tags: google, Graph Leave a Comment
Here’s an exciting graph. Look at it. Look at it!
This is from Google Trends, which shows the amount of of google searches for topics over the years.
It’s difficult to say how many of these people searching about roleplaying ended up finding a game on OngoingWorlds, but I can tell you that last month we had at least 7,700 people finding the website from a Google search, the month before we had over 8,000.
By David Ball
Category: Behind the scenes - running RPGs, Play-by-post discussion, Roleplaying community Tags: RPG-Directory 1 Comment
A few weeks ago we posted an article by Squidlord about why penalties for magical powers is bad. There was a lot of discussion about this (go read the comments). I asked the roleplayers on RPG-Directory what they thought about this too, and got some great answers. Read More
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