OngoingWorlds blog

News & articles about play-by-post games, for roleplayers & writers


Best articles of 2018!

Hello! Here is a handpicked list of the best articles from 2018 (filtering out news) ordered by popularity (lowest to highest). These have been contributed by different people from our awesome community! Read More


Stats from 2018!

Hello everyone! At this time of year it’s nice to reflect on the previous year, so here’s some stats from 2018: Read More


FallFest Always Delivers

It always delivers.  Every single time.  For those who may have unfortunately missed the 2018 Simming Fall Festival, it was a day full of provocative discussions, live role plays, and interactive trivia games.  It was fantastic from start to finish in every measure: A real testament to the power of our broader community.  Simply put, FallFest was a blast! Read More


2018 Simming Fall Festival

That’s right, FallFest 2018 is today.  See you over there.

A special thanks to all our hosts and other contributors.


Why You Should Attend FallFest Tomorrow

You heard it right: FallFest VIII is tomorrow, Saturday, December 15th.  Join us then at 5:00 PM GMT (London) / noon EST (New York) / 9:00 PST (San Francisco) for the Opening Ceremony.  Click here to find the schedule of events, the Discord channel, and much more!  Josh Hina and his leadership team from the TNU Project and other clubs have quite the extravaganza scheduled for us throughout the rest of the day.  Feel free to pop in anytime!

It doesn’t matter if you’re into Star Trek, Star Wars, Dr. Who, or something else entirely.  Or if you prefer chat sims, play by e-mail, or message boards.  If you’re a simmer or online role player of any persuasion, there will be something there for you!  But what do you really get out of FallFest?  Here are 4 reasons you should attend: Read More


FallFest 2018: Be There on December 15th

That’s right, the 2018 Simming Fall Festival is scheduled for December 15th!  Indeed, TNU Project has been selected as this year’s host, and Josh Hina will serve as chair.  We’re going a little different route this year as TNU is not a club in in the traditional sense.  Instead, they’re a member of Ascension Sims.  However, Josh and co. already have an outstanding line up events ready for December 15th. Read More


FallFest 2018, Anyone?

It’s time to select a FallFest host!  Well, it’s actually past time!  We held SciWorld later than usual this year and wanted there to still be a good gap between the two. Anyway, we’re now accepting applications to host and chair the online roleplaying community’s premier event: The Simming Fall Festival (aka FallFest).  This will be our 8th festival since beginning back in 2011. Read More


Things All Ongoing Worlds Members Should Know

The Ongoing Worlds community is about as open as you get. Anybody who can access the internet and understands English can join. There are no rules nor protocols listed anywhere except in the game information sections and descriptions of some of the games on the site, and those vary per game. Yet despite that, really becoming a comfortable member of the Ongoing Worlds community and getting the most out of the Ongoing Worlds experience is not quite as simple as it may first appear. Ongoing Worlds offers a substantial number of tools whose value and utility may not immediately be recognizable, and the Ongoing Worlds community itself has a unique microculture, with a lot of values and beliefs that may not be readily apparent either.

In an attempt to help newcomers and veterans better understand the tools at our disposal, how we use those tools, and understand the beliefs of the Ongoing Worlds community, I have worked with the people of the Ongoing Worlds Community Platform to put together a list of ten things that we would like everyone to know and understand about Ongoing Worlds. Many of these are lessons that I have learned through making mistakes, resulting in hurt feelings for me or those that I have interacted with. Hopefully, by sharing this information, others can learn what I have learned less painfully than I did.


1. Email is Ongoing Worlds’ method for Private Messaging. You can find the email address of any given member by clicking the links to their profile page. Email communication is extremely valuable here on Ongoing Worlds, as it is the primary means through which different OW members can discuss things that don’t need to be publicly displayed for everyone to see. The Ongoing Worlds experience is not meant to be enjoyed alone, and email is the primary means of bridging the physical distance between you and other OW members. Keep in mind that you cannot see another member’s email address until you are an accepted member of a game that they are also in. A quick way to be able to see the email addresses of a lot of other members is to join the Ongoing Worlds Community Platform. Read More


2018 Squiddies: The Winners

In June, we asked for nominations.  You responded, and we announced 19 nominees in August.  Now it’s time to reveal the three winner of this year’s Squiddie (officially the Ongoing Worlds Medal for Superior Online Role Playing).  Choosing just three winners from 19 excellent candidates was extremely difficult as many are deserving of a top-level award.  However, that’s our job!
If you’ll recall, Squiddies are awarded to only one person, one game, and one club each year.  The prizes come in three categories (Excellence in Role Playing, Originality & Innovation, and Facilitating the Community Experience) and are awarded primary for actions during the prior calendar year.  In this case, that’s 2017.  Without any further ado, here are your 2018 Ongoing Worlds Medal for Superior Online Role Playing Laureates…

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Every RP has a Crutch

This post was written for us by OngoingWorlds member Writing Bug.

Hello guys, it’s WB from OW. I want to tell you about something called a Writing Crutch. If you google it, it talks about how writers use safe-words in their writing. But that isn’t the only crutch I see in RP’s. Every role play has some form of crutch, that allows for a writer to lean on when giving an explanation. Some examples can include… Read More