OngoingWorlds blog

News & articles about play-by-post games, for roleplayers & writers


2014 Simming Fall Festival

Fall festival ongoingworlds squid logoFallFest ’14 will be here in just a few short hours!  This year’s pinnacle event for the simming and online role play community is hosted by Phoenix Roleplaying and chaired by Misty Taylor.  Let’s give a special thanks to Misty and everyone at Phoenix for all the hard work they’ve done in preparation for today’s festival. Bravo!  As always, FallFest is open to all simmers and online role players, regardless of rank or club affiliation elsewhere.

The schedule of events includes interactive discussions, dynamic role plays, and engaging trivia games. Read More


Make an end to make a beginning

Budget is one of the top concerns (if not number one) I hear from readers going through the building process.  I imagine you’ve heard people say, ‘I went SO over budget; it’s impossible to stay on budget.’ Guess what?! This doesn’t have to be your story too! There actually ARE ways to stay on budget when building a house!

Below I share 8 easy ways to keep your home build budget in check! My husband and I *barely* went over budget when building our house, and I know our methods can help you stick to your budget too!


If your budget is tight, go with the elements of your future home that are most important to you! This is exactly how I handled the battle of taste vs. budget! I wanted a finished basement (like RIGHT AWAY) but I had to wait a couple of years to finish it because having custom trim work on the main level was MORE important to me!

Some other examples …

If you have a large family and need more square footage, focus your budget on the size of your home rather than the level of finishes. That is, opt for stock cabinets, laminate counters, inexpensive carpet, low-end appliances, etc. You can always upgrade finishes in the future … but it is much harder and more costly to add square footage after your build.

If you are more interested in custom details in your home (e.g. window seats, crown molding, high-end appliances, custom cabinets, etc.), then focus your budget on the finishes rather than square footage.


Here’s a truth bomb … it’s difficult to stay on budget because your allowances (e.g. appliances) will be ridiculously low. I mean, RIDICULOUSLY low! I don’t remember exact numbers, but our appliance allowance was enough to cover maybe two appliances. Ugh! Needless to say, we went over budget in this area!

However, we were able to offset going over our appliance budget by doing more basic (yet still custom) drawers in our kids’ bathrooms. I would have loved fancy five-panel drawers, but we needed to save money so we went with basic flat drawers in the secondary bathrooms.


Be realistic about all costs you will incur throughout the building (and moving in) process.

Obviously, you have construction costs, land purchase, and builder/architect fees … but there are so many other expenses you need to factor in. Make sure to work with the best professionals from Massachusetts roofing and siding.

These expenses include legal fees, permit and financing costs, moving fees, and the fun stuff … window coverings, furniture/décor, and landscaping. It’s important to keep ALL of this in mind when creating a REALISTIC budget!

4. BE HONEST (with yourself AND your builder) ABOUT THE FINISHES YOU WANT

Everyone says YOU’LL GO OVER BUDGET [when building a home] … and I agree to some extent. HOWEVER, I was able to stay VERY close to budget because I was extremely clear with my builder about the caliber of finishes I wanted BEFORE he priced our custom home.

If you are 100% honest and upfront with your builder about EXACTLY what you want BEFORE he or she prices the house, then he/she can give you an accurate quote.

You just need to be very clear about the level of finishes you want (e.g. custom trim work throughout your home). If high-end Subzero appliances are important to you, make sure your builder adds a realistic (and high!) appliance allowance to your bid!

The people who say ‘I was 50% over budget’ likely had many change orders and ‘upgraded’ their home WHILE they were building (as opposed to knowing how nice of a home they wanted before they started).


It is best to have design choices decided BEFORE construction starts. Prepare a plan and stick to it! This is important because you purchase the building materials at the price quoted at the BEGINNING of construction.

During my home build, we paid the price we were quoted for materials regardless of any price increases during the build. We paid more than our quoted price ONLY IF we had a change order and chose a different (more expensive) product. Does that make sense? 

Some builders will have you (the consumer) absorb any material price increases during construction. Example … if you are quoted $5 per square foot for a particular wood flooring product and the product cost jumps to $7 per square foot, some builders will have you pay the increase. Boom … you just went over budget! So choose (and order) your finishes BEFORE there are any price increases!


Grand Master Tib’s Corner – Interview with Chas Hammer, Creator of SciWorld #PraiseTheTurnip

perpetual-universesHail those of Perpetual Universes! Grand Master Tiberius here, recently I had the opportunity to talk to the creator of SciWorld, [which is coming up soon] Chas Hammer! So let’s see what Mr. Hammer had to say shall we?

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What is Open Role Playing?

Captain Dick Sprague, Commanding Officer of the USS Chuck Norris

That’s a question I get a lot when people read or hear about my game, the USS Chuck Norris, as it’s quite different from most other sims out there.  But before I answer that question, I should first explain what the Chuck Norris is to set up the proper context.

The USS Chuck Norris is a play-by-email sim, but we use the NOVA system from Anodyne Productions that came out a few years ago.  Play-by-post seems to be the most popular term today for this type of game.  We launched on January 2nd, 2012, and are a member of Independence Fleet.  There are currently 16 active players on the Chuck Norris, and many have been with us for more than a year.  Although, we also have quite a few players that have been simming for less than six months.

With that out of the way, I’ll finally answer the question! Read More


Interview with Anodyne Productions!

Nova is installable software by Anodyne Productions for play-by-post games

Nova is installable software by Anodyne Productions for play-by-post games

I recently had the opportunity to sit down with two leaders from Anodyne Productions, the company behind the most popular and most widely used software for Play-by-Post games on the net.  From their humble beginnings several years ago, they’ve ascended to producing the premier simming solutions package.  Instead of putting words in their mouths, here’s what they had to say… Read More


Tib’s Corner – Interview with Elena Vasilescu, Creator of “Before The Mast” #BeforeTheMast

pirate__1221836287_8352Yo ho ho Ongoing Worlds! Tib here with a special interview! Note that this one is actually TC’s first out of site interview. This week I interviewed Elena Vasilescu, creator of the notable RP game, Before The Mast. The game, Before The Mast is an 18th century naval themed play by post forum game opened on August 6th, 2010. The game has been running for more the two years, and just like us the players in the game have just entered their New Year. So let’s get this interview started and delve into the world of swashbuckling shall we? Read More


Tib’s Corner – Chat Ettiquette #LikeaTib

TIBBsWhy hello there Ongoing Worlds. Tibby here. If you haven’t noticed, OW has gotten a new Chat Room. Sadly, our buddy Cbox is no longer with us. We have a new fangled chat box thingy! The new one is called Chat Wing which Dave has been so nice to add. Now Chat Wing is great, many new features that Cbox never had. Since the chat is a little different I thought I might do a little bit on chat ettiquette! Now I’m not saying we’re all horrible, it’s just that we need a refresher once in a while! So let’s learn some manners! Read More


11 Reasons Why Play-by-Post Games are better than MMORPGs

Star Trek Online away team

I realize that this statement may be controversial, if not heretical. Many fans cling to their MMOs with great pride, whether it’s Star Trek Online, the Old Republic, World of Warcraft, or Elder Scrolls Online’s Beta. However, as cool as it is to have that level 60 Paladin/Jedi Knight/Klingon Captain/Battlemage, there are a few downsides you should be aware of. Read More


How to roleplay on Tumblr

I don't really know what "get out of the tag" means, but this was the only Tumblr image I could find that wasn't animated

I don’t really know what “get out of the tag” means, but this was the only Tumblr image I could find that wasn’t animated

I’ve been curious recently about the people roleplaying on Tumblr, and asked a roleplayer to send me a good help guide. With an initial reaction of “duh isn’t it obvious” she probably assumed I was an old fogie who didn’t know how to use the internet (it’s true, I’m over 30 now). Thing is, it’s NOT obvious. Tumblr is a minefield of horribly animating GIFs and blinking text that’s enough to give a squirrel a seizure.

Tumblr is very popular for roleplayers though, so I persisted. I was given this link, which I’ll paste some of the important sections here in case you’re also curious (but I recommend reading the full article if you are of course). Read More


There’s millions of roleplayers. They just might not be where you’re looking

I noticed recently that RPGlibrary has closed the section of their forum for PBEM games, citing “the era of PBEM roleplaying has come and gone”. Utter nonsense, or is that true? Read More