Whether it’s coffee, Earl Grey, or Romulan Ale, it’ll taste better in your very own UtopiaFleet mug!

That’s how it read on the shopping or merchandise or whatever they called it page on the Utopia Fleet website more than 20 years ago. As I recall, they sold at least four different Utopia Fleet-branded items:
Item | Price | Description | Pitch |
100% Cotton T-Shirt | $14.99 | “White T-Shirt with Fleet logo on the front and the URL of the Fleet homepage on the back.” | none |
11 & 15-ounce Coffee Mugs | $12.50 / $13.99 | “Dishwasher safe ceramic coffee mugs.” | “Whether it’s coffee, Earl Grey, or Romulan Ale, it’ll taste better in your very own UtopiaFleet mug!” |
Mouse Pad | $12.99 | “Standard-sized premium cloth covered mousepad” | “What better way to show your loyalty to the Fleet than by having the logo right under your mouse?” |
Ballcap | unknown | unknown | unknown |