Some useful articles for writing about characters

There’s quite a few articles on this website with advice for creating & writing characters that you might have missed. Here’s a list of some useful ones:
There’s quite a few articles on this website with advice for creating & writing characters that you might have missed. Here’s a list of some useful ones:
This article was written by Nim, creator of the OW Community Platform & Engines of Chaos.
After a substantial amount of peer pressure, I finally took a personality test called the Enneagram. I didn’t really expect anything to come out of it, but the results actually surprised me with how true they rang. I then proceeded to read the descriptions of the other eight personality types (called enneas) and I realized just how much a person’s personality has the potential to affect their worldview. Read More
Star Trek fanfiction is as old as Star Trek itself, and heavily dominates the world of online roleplaying. There’s many giant Star Trek roleplay clubs, like Starbase 118 and Star Trek: Borderlands. We’ve even got Star Trek games running on OngoingWorlds (see here). Here’s some tips for anyone who wants to write fiction in the Star Trek universe: Read More
Have you ever wanted to go back in time and make things better in your childhood? Do things differently? Tell the bully on the playground to shove off? Luckily, you are a roleplayer! Even better, you’re on OW! But simply putting a young age on your character and a cute picture of a kid as the character profile picture does not a child make. It’s all in their mannerisms and speech patterns. Read More
I found this good article with advice for creating characters by Lori L. Lake, and there’s a great section about creating secondary/minor characters (in roleplay we normally call these NPCs because nobody specifically controls them). Read More
Create an interesting character– you can easily get bored of writing about a character who doesn’t interest you. Others only like reading about interesting characters also. Read More
This article was originally written by me for the Blue Dwarf website, but most of this applies to most other roleplaying games where you need to create a character.
The character you play is probably the most crucial part of your role-playing experience. Your character will be your outlook onto the crazy world of Blue Dwarf, and how you interact with it. It is your character’s actions that you will write about, so they should be interesting! Read More