OngoingWorlds blog

News & articles about play-by-post games, for roleplayers & writers


Expanded Universe: Giving Your Game Depth

Xanadu Crest

The Xanadu Report


If you’re in the Role Playing community, chances are that you’ve encountered expanded universe content before. flagsofTSABe if from your favorite TV show, a movie that you’ve loved your whole life, or a novel you’ve read a few thousand times. In fact, fandom games are part of a franchise’s expanded universe. As a writer, I tend to be obsessed with detail, so much so that for every post I’ve ever written there’s at least a few paragraphs of detail that got left out just to keep it within a sane amount of words (I say sane because my first Blue Dwarf post’s word count would have been up in the tens of thousands if I hadn’t regained my sanity and decided “maybe a novella doesn’t make a good post”, telling an entire life’s story doesn’t really work well). Read More


Progress for perks

You might already know that OngoingWorlds has a few unlockable perks (we’ve blogged about them before here), and there’s more being developed soon (can’t tell you much about that right now though).

One of the perks for new members is to be able to unlock formatting options. The change I’ve made this weekend is for these new members to see progress until their next perk.

Progress bar showing personal progress Read More


Unlockable perks

Unlockable perks

Did you know that OngoingWorlds has quite a few unlockable perks? These are new features that will get added the more you use the website, as a little reward, and to give you more advanced features when you start to become a roleplaying pro! Read More


Mike’s Beginner’s Guide to Roleplaying: Making an Awesome Game

This is the first in a series of articles that will make up Mike’s Beginner’s Guide to Roleplaying

When we come to Ongoing Worlds as bright eyed new members one of the very first things we want to do is make an mike's guideawesome play by post roleplaying game of our favorite television/movie series, not to forget about the vr gambling games, a game that we love to play, you would like to play sbobet88 at, explore the realm of the goddess for the chance to win some fantastic free spins, a book that we’ve read gazillions of times, or even something original that we’ve had in our head for years and never did anything with, check it out here. So we rush to the Create a New Game tab and throw together a game, only for it to stagnate for months with little to no activity, leading to the abandonment of the game and eventually Ongoing Worlds altogether.
Read More


Tib’s Corner – Chat Ettiquette #LikeaTib

TIBBsWhy hello there Ongoing Worlds. Tibby here. If you haven’t noticed, OW has gotten a new Chat Room. Sadly, our buddy Cbox is no longer with us. We have a new fangled chat box thingy! The new one is called Chat Wing which Dave has been so nice to add. Now Chat Wing is great, many new features that Cbox never had. Since the chat is a little different I thought I might do a little bit on chat ettiquette! Now I’m not saying we’re all horrible, it’s just that we need a refresher once in a while! So let’s learn some manners! Read More


Unlockable perks: Post 10 times to unlock formatting options

Get the f*** away from my house!This is one of a few posts I’m going to write about OngoingWorlds’ unlockable perks (see articles about other perks here).

Formatting options when posting

You’ll unlock this perk after you’ve submitted 10 posts to any game on OngoingWorlds. After that you’ll see some formatting options at the top of the “Create new post” screen. Read More


New post preview feature


Here’s a new feature which a few people asked for, and doesn’t need too much explaining as it’s quite simple. A post preview allows you to preview your post. See, I said it was simple 🙂 Read More


Story summaries for games with over 100 posts

Unlockable perks

Here’s a new feature you’ll unlock when your game gets over 100 posts (the game also needs to have been around for at least 2 months too). Read More


The new way to select characters mentioned in a post

Select a character is now easierHere’s an update that was originally asked for by Phantasmagoria, who a while ago asked in our Facebook group for a better ways to select characters mentioned in a post. The problem was, that games with too many characters got too difficult to select them from a drop-down box. Read More


Disown & adopt characters

Part of the updates I worked on last weekend included improvements to the way characters can be “disowned” and “adopted”. Read More