OngoingWorlds blog

News & articles about play-by-post games, for roleplayers & writers


Flashback story – Four Nations

This is a story submitted as part of the Flashback week competition. It’s a flashback taken from a novel in development written by Ruth Connelly.

Four Nations

Tilda could not think of a single thing to say, so she simply stood up, walked out, went upstairs to her room, locked the door behind her, and lay down on her bed. It was her normal response whenever she found anything just too much to deal with, although she usually did it with rather more shouting and slamming of doors. Once there, she clasped her hands over her stomach, and stared at her ceiling, her mind strangely blank. She could hear her parents’ voices drifting up the stairs – they were talking too loudly as usual.

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Flashback story – Diagnosis

This is a story submitted as part of the Flashback week competition. It’s a Star Trek story by Adam Pracht from the roleplaying game Star Trek Borderlands


~I wish my feet touched the floor.~ Marius thought sadly as he swung
his feet, making his Awesome Angel superhero shoes flash and blink
with red lights. ~Then I’d feel braver.~
But the wooden chair remained tall, hard and unyielding. It was as
uncomfortable as everything else in the sterile office – the while
walls, the books that were somehow all the same color and height, the
lights that were too bright and too harsh.
He felt his father place a hand on his shoulder and give it a little

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Flashback story – Warren DeMontford

This is a story submitted as part of the Flashback week competition. It’ a story written by Sue Wilson about a tabletop rolplaying character.

Warren DeMontford

The man they now call Warren DeMontford stares at the water drops freezing to the window. The image takes his thoughts to darker places and memories he does not want. Beyond that window had not been the white expanse of Antarctica. That time the other side of the pain showed the rolling ocean of the southern Atlantic. Still he leans his head against it and closes his eyes….

The SnowBird rolls again. He can’t afford to sleep, not properly. The waves are too large. He could head north in the hope of calmer seas, but it would lengthen the route and loose him more time, and he knows at least Peyron and Lamazou are ahead of him. He drags himself from the bunk and climbs back onto the deck to check the auto-pilot.

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Flashback story – Rites and Responsibilities

This is a story submitted as part of the Flashback week competition. It’s written by John Wilson, and is about a character from play-by-wiki game that grew out of an old World of Darkness Changeling game that has been ongoing for over a decade.

Rites and Responsibilities

“So, you are to be my replacement?”

Master Tyr looked down his hooked nose at the young troll stood before him. Even with the loose robes of an apprentice draped over her, it was easy to tell that his new student was slightly built. She bowed her head, letting her blonde hair fall loosely over her flat horns.

“Yes, Master Tyr.” Read More


Flashback story – Lucinda Steel

This is a story submitted as part of the Flashback week competition. It’s written by Duri Aspire, the roleplaying game is Two Halves make a Whole played on OngoingWorlds.

Lucinda Steel

“Pack your things, Lucinda. We’re going on a trip.” Her father said to Lucinda as he woke her. Her mother stood nervously behind him, shaking.

Without complaint, Lucinda did as she was told. Her teddy, some clothes and a colouring book were all that she crammed into her backpack. Lucinda was scared. Nothing like this had ever happened before. Her mother held her hand tight and told her everything was going to be alright as they walked out to the car. Lucinda still thought that her mother said it more for her own benefit to calm herself down. Read More


Flashback story – Sienn t’Lovok

This is a story submitted as part of the Flashback week competition. It’s a Star Trek story written by Juliet Anderson, the roleplaying game is S. S. Seiklon Axel on Star Trek Borderlands.

Sienn t’Lovok

I don’t like mirrors.

They remind me. Of what – of who – I used to be. And how different I am from that person now.

My name is Sienn t’Lovok. I’m half Romulan, half Human, and 76% machinery. Formerly a blogger on unclutterer, now I’m an engineer on an independant freighter that I get the lovely job of holding together, the S. S. Seiklon Axel. The UFP doesn’t trust me, and neither does the Romulan Star Empire. Although sometimes I think it’s not so much my abilities render me untrustworthy, more that – I scare them. People are scared of what they don’t understand. I’ve learned to accept that.

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Flashback story – Clarisse du Volde

This is a story submitted as part of the Flashback week competition. It’s written by Clarissa Marie and is from a game played on

It is always asked of me, do I remember my first taste of human blood? I cannot help but shudder, but I do remember it. It isn’t fondly simply because I nearly revealed my true nature to the world. I was clumsy in my first days, I hadn’t the faintest idea of what on earth to do. How could I? I had stormed off like a pigheaded fool and left Colin to burn in the flames of our burning cottage. My rage was a thing not to be trifled with and after three years of marriage, I’d had enough. Read More


Flashback story – Lawrence Trisees

This is a story submitted as part of the Flashback week competition. It’s written by Ryan Eames, the roleplaying game is Blue Dwarf.

Lawrence Trisees

The star port bustled with thousands upon thousands of people making ways between bars, restaurants, starship gates and seating areas. It was the busiest star port in Jupiter’s orbit and served nearly the entirety of it’s tourism branch and the mining corporation. Lawrence Trisees, former mental technology specialist of the JMC Blue Dwarf, stood by Gate 44b having transferred himself from the ship a number of years ago. Read More


Flashback story – Rage!

This is a story submitted as part of the Flashback week competition. It’s a Star Trek story written by Chas Hammer


Rage settled across Chas’ heart as he caressed the strands of her red hair, brushing away the mud. There was nothing that could be done. Her skin faded to white. The glow of life left her eyes.

Thump! Another impact. Crack! A pulse of energy surges past.

“Sir, they are getting closer.”

Chas looked up blankly at the ensign, whose name he did not know.

“Sir?” The ensign continued, a hint of desperation in his voice.

Chas looked back at the body and rolled her onto her side, removing the small Type 1 phaser concealed in her uniform waistband before placing it in his own. Read More


Flashback story – Commander Dietrich Vonrose

This is a story submitted as part of the Flashback week competition. It’s a Star Trek story written by Roman Gitlarz, the roleplaying game is USS Discovery on Star Trek Borderlands

Commander Dietrich Vonrose

October 4, 2409

Dietrich smiled as he made his way through the ship’s corridors.  The slight smile on his face and the bounce in his step visually demonstrated the pleasure which he felt, and it wasn’t in regard to his work earlier in the day.  After all, being XO of a starship was not anything to sneeze at.  He had countless duty rosters to approve, systems reports to analyze, and rounds to make… not to mention his Bridge duty.  His contentment was a result of the game of poker which he played regularly with his crewmates on Friday nights… and which he had just won minutes earlier. Read More