OngoingWorlds blog

News & articles about play-by-post games, for roleplayers & writers


Empty Skies Over Tokyo – WBWW runner-up

Here’s the story that came 2nd place in our WBWW competition. Empty Skies Over Tokyo written by Marissa Jeffrey from USS Victory, part of UFOP: Starbase 118.

This story got a lot of praise from one of our judges, Aimee the winner of this year’s First Person Fortnight competition.

aimee-mug-60x60The strengths of the story that spoke to me most, aside from the expected “good grammar/punctuation/understanding of storytelling”:

1) Great demonstration of “Show, don’t tell.” It’s probably the only story that didn’t do this to a fault. It was narrating but it was describing what the characters were doing and how they were interacting with their environment and thus communicating “this is good/exciting/something I’m proud of” to the reader.

2) A clear format made to show the intended style; well-chosen names of places and dates. Very striking in their military/future origin, but not over-explained.

3) It comes full circle and leaves this reader with a simple feeling of family identity and pride in one’s place in the world, but doesn’t get more complicated than that. Vocabulary is tight and story feels focused.

4) Mature and sophisticated world outlook and a writing style to match it.

I also liked the detail that the “ancestor” was from 2003. 🙂 That makes great sci-fi.

Here’s the story in full.

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Want to know who the WBWW winner is?

Way Back When Week

The judges have spoken! I’ve added up all the votes for each of our WBWW stories, and we have a winner! I want to first thank everyone who took part in WBWW, and whether you submitted your story or not, you’ve helped inspire others to do something just a little bit different, and that’s what life’s all about isn’t it?

I absolutely want to thank the judges who have read each story and had the difficult task of deciding which is their favourites. We chose judges from different roleplaying games and genres, for a broad range of tastes.

So here’s the top 3 winners. Read More


Chas Hammer is awarded the OWCH

The OWCH awardI’d like to inform everyone that Chas Hammer, a member of our Board of Advisors, has resigned and decided to move on with his career. Chas joined us earlier this year in March when OngoingWorlds and the Simming League merged. During his seven months on the board, Chas has been an invaluable asset to us all. With that in mind, I now present the second Ongoing Worlds Community Honor to Chas Hammer for his service on the Board of Advisors and for hosting SciWorld 2012.

Congratulations! Read More


Awarding the 1st Community Honor to…

The OWCH awardIt gives me great pleasure to present the first OngoingWorlds Community Honor Medal (OWCH) to Jonathan Swift of the USS Asimov for his service as chair of the 2012 Simming Fall Festival. Congratulations, Jonathan!

For those who attended FallFest last month, you saw first-hand what can happen when role players from different clubs and backgrounds come together to celebrate their craft and share ideas. In fact, I had an absolute blast! There were multiple trivia games (and the winners received free CDs!), live chat sims of different genres, and my favorite events: discussions on important topics within our community. Some of of the most talented role players on the web led workshops on character development, advertising and recruiting, and how to be a more effective host.

It’s safe to say that everyone who attended came out a better simmer and leader than when they entered. All in all, a great mix of fun and development. Jonathan’s set the bar high for next year’s FallFest chair. Read More


Simming Prize Winners 2011

Simming prizeOngoing Worlds is proud to announce the newest winners of the Simming Prize (officially the Ongoing Worlds Prize for Simming and Online Role Playing in Memory of Seth Cotis). Winning either for their efforts in 2011 or in recognition of their career in total, our five newest laureates join a long line of proud winners who have shaped our gaming community for the better.

  • Elena Vasilescu of Before the Mast RPG: For her creative use of social media to support a small, thriving role-playing game set during the Golden Age of Piracy.
  • Independence Fleet: For its outstanding efforts to facilitate community; internally fielding a wiki, newsletter, and group chats; and externally hosting the SciWorld Online Convention, organizing Fall Fest, and pulling the Super Space Command 3000 April fools day joke.
  • Mike Bremer of Ninth Fleet: For his exemplary leadership within the simming community. Having founded or nurtured clubs as diverse as Tango Fleet, Bravo Fleet, and now Ninth Fleet, Mike stands as one of the most successful and influential figures in the history of simming.
  • Otherspace: For its innovative mix of MUSH and role-playing to create a dynamic, engrossing gaming environment.
  • UFOP: Starbase 118: For its exemplary community, which for over 15 years has consistently offered detailed, high quality sims, and a welcoming, friendly gaming environment.

Congratulations to the newest Simming Prize laureates!


Announcing the winner of the Flashback week competition

A few weeks ago we ran a week-long even called Flashback week where we encouraged roleplayers and writers to think about the backstory of their character and write about a flashback to a different time in their lives. We held a competition which finished on the very last day of Flashback week, and our team of judges have been busy over the last two weeks reading the entries and voting for the best story, and we’re happy that we can now announce the winner! Read More