This article was written by Mike from the game Wreckage, played on OngoingWorlds.
Mike Krueger
In the last article I explained how players could create a webpage for their OngoingWorlds characters on the RP Repository site. This not only helps advertise our PbP games on another awesome site dedicated to Roleplay, but allows us to include information and widgets that may not be possible in their OngoingWorlds profile pages.
This time I am going to show players and GMs how to join or create groups for their OngoingWorlds games on the RPR site. Doing so is a great way to recruit new players for your PbP games as well as show how the characters involved are connected.
So let’s begin by logging into the RPR site. If you have not done so previously, please do sign up for an account, then log in.
Now click on your “Dashboard” link near the top of the page. Again, a page will display showing your characters as well as any groups you have joined. Note, you may need to click the arrow icon next to the headings in order to show them.
Both players who are seeking to join an existing group and GMs preparing to create a new one will now click on the “Join A Group” button toward the middle of the page. Read More