OngoingWorlds blog

News & articles about play-by-post games, for roleplayers & writers


Kickstart: A service to help get your roleplay running

So I was on RPG-Directory a few weeks ago, which is a great social network for roleplayers (and a good place to advertise your game!) and I noticed something called “Kickstart”, a service to support roleplayers that have created a new roleplaying game, and need to get it started. And we all know this is the most difficult time for any roleplay, getting off the ground can be difficult. I asked user Xexes more about Kickstart. Here’s what he wrote for us:


User Xexes on RPG-D

What’s Kickstart?

Kickstart is a community effort to help roleplays get going, for roleplayers, by roleplayers. It’s hard to start and keep a roleplay going, and kickstart is meant to be that one last push. Read More


Useful links from a convention I attended in my pyjamas

Arthur dent pyjamas

You can do a surprising amount of things in your pyjamas

Last night I attended an online chat convention called SciWorld. The great thing about online conventions is that you can wear whatever you want, including your pyjamas, and no-one bats an eyelid. The talk I hosted was titled “Advertise or die. Letting people know about your roleplay” where I discussed ways to let other roleplayers know about your game, to get more players. Read More


Advertising an RPG

main_ASA2Maybe other people who have studies in Communication and PR would approach it from another side, and I am curious to see how they see it too. But as an economist who has learnt management and marketing in Uni, I believe in applying as many marketing and management concepts to managing a RPG. Yes, RPGs are not profit yielding, but this is the only main difference. In truth, most concepts applying to small businesses and non profit organisations do apply to it.
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Want more members? Advertise your game on PBEM2

Are you looking for more members to join your game? If you’re not advertising on PBEM2 you might be missing out, here’s a video walkthrough of me showing you how to add a listing on PBEM2 🙂


Does creating audio podcasts make people take your roleplay seriously?

Music Energy (+clipping path, XXL)I love listening to podcasts. I’ve been listening to audio podcasts for many years, despite only owning a iPod recently. Usually I burn them to CD and listen in my car on long drives, or just my usual drive to work.

I love podcasts because they’re so specific on a topic, instead of listening to talk radio which usually has to cater for a wide general audience. You can check Radio Waves for latest radio talks. In recent years I’ve been a boom of podcasts, each created by amateurs who are excited about a niche topic. One of these is the Starbase 118 podcast, Starbase 118 is a community of many roleplaying games, which gives them loads of content to talk about in an audio podcast. Read More


Field of dreams got it wrong. If you build it they won't come, unless you tell them to

Baseball player in the film "field of dreams"

I haven’t seen the Kevin Costner film “Field of Dreams” because it sounds terrible. Fortunately I have Waynes World which spoofed the film’s main catchphrase “If you build it, they will come”, leading Wayne and Garth to create a rock concert, which goes surprisingly well despite barely any advertising.

The mentality of “If you build it, they will come” is a dangerous one in my opinion. Read More


Creating groups in RP Repository

This article was written by Mike from the game Wreckage, played on OngoingWorlds.


Mike Krueger

In the last article I explained how players could create a webpage for their OngoingWorlds characters on the RP Repository site.  This not only helps advertise our PbP games on another awesome site dedicated to Roleplay, but allows us to include information and widgets that may not be possible in their OngoingWorlds profile pages.

This time I am going to show players and GMs how to join or create groups for their OngoingWorlds games on the RPR site.  Doing so is a great way to recruit new players for your PbP games as well as show how the characters involved are connected.

So let’s begin by logging into the RPR site. If you have not done so previously, please do sign up for an account, then log in.

Now click on your “Dashboard” link near the top of the page. Again, a page will display showing your characters as well as any groups you have joined. Note, you may need to click the arrow icon next to the headings in order to show them.


Both players who are seeking to join an existing group and GMs preparing to create a new one will now click on the “Join A Group” button toward the middle of the page. Read More


Games Directory re-appears after long hiatus

ScreenshotEdit: It appears not long after this website re-appeared, it disappeared again. Rubbish!!!

If you’ve been roleplaying for many years you might remember a website called the “Games Online Directory”. The directory was like a yellow pages for roleplaying games and was very popular back in 2000 -2004, when the website went offline very suddenly without any warning. Many people who used the site to advertise their games were not notified and lost all adverts to their site, and all the site’s banners and affiliate links suddenly turned blank.


Back when it was popular, the Games Online Directory had over 100,000 hits a year, it was a popular destination for people searching for games, and for people advertising their games. But with such a long absence, it’ll have to build up that audience all over again.

It might now look much now, but with some cool new features added, the Games Online Directory has the potential to really benefit the roleplaying community. We’ll just have to wait and see what Nick pulls out of the bag!


Automatically post a Facebook status update when you post in Ongoing Worlds

ongoingworlds post to facebook

EDIT – This post is old now, so I’ve written a new one with updated instructions and screenshots. You can see it here

If you’ve got a Facebook fan page for your game (you might have created one from the previous tutorial), you might want to set it to automatically post an update to your page when someone posts in your game on OngoingWorlds.

This can be done by adding an app to your page called RSS Graffiti. To get started, go to the app page here:

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How to create a Facebook page for your Roleplaying game

In the previous article I explained how creating a Facebook fan page for your game will help you to get new members. This article will show you how to create a page for your roleplaying game, if you already have a fan page and want to know how to set it to automatically publish a link to your game’s latest post, read this article.

Create the fan page

To get started, go to and click “create page”.

Create a facebook fan page

You’re creating a page that you want to use to post regular information about your game, so you’ll want to create an “Official Page” not a “Community Page”. The latter doesn’t give us the amount of control and customisation we want.

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