OngoingWorlds blog

News & articles about play-by-post games, for roleplayers & writers


PBEM definition: What is a Lurker?

PBEM lurker kitty

Wikipedia’s definition:
In Internet culture, a lurker is typically a member of an online community who observes, but does not actively participate.

Lurkers – Good or bad?

As all posts on OngoingWorlds are publically accessible, you might have lurkers reading your posts. You might consider this good or bad.
But remember:

Lurkers might be people who haven’t joined your game yet.
Because all posts on OngoingWorlds are public (except for private games),they’re viewable by anyone. Someone can just start reading your posts like a book if they want, which is great because they might like it so much they’ll join. Or they might even decide that they’re just happy reading. Read More


Need new members? – Don’t Forget Your Friends

Friends can be roleplayers too

The wait can be unbearable. It can be a year or a week. But however long we have to wait for the next episode of our favorite series, we can’t wait for that day to come (or year, though that can test our patience; we’re looking at you, Sherlock!). But then we have the inevitable problem: have our friends watched it yet? Why does that matter to us? Because we like sharing things that interest us with the people we care about.

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February Game Summary Extended *UPDATED*

Hello all.

The February summary game summary has been extended another week (it now ends on the 21st) due to the lack of submissions. I have only had one submission for the summary, that’s one game (not counting my own). Please submit a game for the summary, the original page with the submission form can be found here. Read More


How to advertise your game without ramming it down people’s throats

MadmenAdvertising is hard

One of the most difficult aspects of creating a new roleplaying game is getting players to join initially. Getting people to join a brand new game without an established story or any guarantee it’ll not be a waste of time is tricky. Finding the members is difficult enough, so you want to make your game as visible as possible.

A lot of this involves putting yourself out there, self-promoting, and just generally shouting loudly about your game into the ether until someone hears you. Read More


Tib’s Corner – Interview with King Alex *The Awesome #Kingliness


Hey guys, Tib here, somewhere in the middle of nowhere in a room, being help captive against my will by the wonderful and amazing King Alex *The Awesome. King Alex is a member of the Triumvirate of Doom and a self described “King of Everything.” So let’s inverstigate the king shall we? Read More


Tib’s Corner – Interview with Chris Janiver “11121519518”

43576979¡Hola! Cómo Estas and what not Ongoing Worlds! Tibbeh here with another interview [SUPER DUPER EXCITINGNESS!]. This post is with Chris Janiver, or as y’all may know him as, 11121519518, Eleven, or simply Chris [if you know him that well]. He’s an active member [as well as a funny one] around OW. So I thought I’d sit him down and interview him! Let’s delve into the strange and undiscovered mind of our Eleven!

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Games Lacking Members

themurdergameIt’s Mike again with a post about a common problem in the Play by Post RPG community: a lack in members. This could be anything from only having two members, to having fifty and only six actually post. This article will cover the strains of operating a game without many members, and feature several games that are currently lacking members on Ongoing Worlds. If you don’t want to read my advice, the I URGE you to read through the list of games lacking members! These guys have worked hard on their games and would love nothing better than to have you join!

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4 websites all roleplayers should know about


RPG-D is a social network for roleplayers. There’s a directory section where you can place an advertisement for your game, which will slip down the list over time, so it’s worth coming back once a month to bump it back up to the top. You can do this by simply writing “bump” or anything tbh, but I find this a bit tacky, so what I do is write a short summary of events that’s happened since the last time I posted, which is much more interesting to read, and useful for any users reading the advert. What I usually do is copy the summary from my game’s featured story summary. RPG-D also has a popular discussion forum where you can discuss all aspects of roleplaying with other interested roleplayers. Read More


Kickstart: A service to help get your roleplay running

So I was on RPG-Directory a few weeks ago, which is a great social network for roleplayers (and a good place to advertise your game!) and I noticed something called “Kickstart”, a service to support roleplayers that have created a new roleplaying game, and need to get it started. And we all know this is the most difficult time for any roleplay, getting off the ground can be difficult. I asked user Xexes more about Kickstart. Here’s what he wrote for us:


User Xexes on RPG-D

What’s Kickstart?

Kickstart is a community effort to help roleplays get going, for roleplayers, by roleplayers. It’s hard to start and keep a roleplay going, and kickstart is meant to be that one last push. Read More