OngoingWorlds blog

News & articles about play-by-post games, for roleplayers & writers


Ancient Myths Fuel Creative Storytelling

Return of Heracles gameMythology has thrilled and inspired legions of fans for thousands of years and continues to be a major influence today. Greek myths specifically continue to be a part of popular culture, in both overt and subtle ways. It’s the overarching themes of Greek mythology such as heroism, love and sacrifice, that provide such potent fuel for storytellers. For writers looking to create powerful characters with strong ideals facing difficult obstacles there are few better places to mine for ideas than in ancient mythology. Read More


New Star Trek series has a name familiar to roleplayers

A trailer has been released for the new Star Trek series, which now has a name “Discovery”. And if you think that name sounds familiar, there’s a Star Trek roleplaying game called Discovery as part of the Star Trek Borderlands community. Here’s what their Discovery looks like:

The USS Discovery

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30 awesome-sounding Aztec names that you probably can’t pronounce

Aztec or Mayan warriors

Sometimes finding a unique name is difficult, but at least these names aren’t common! If you need Aztec-sounding names, for NPCs or player characters in your story or game, choose from this list.  Read More


A few nice words about last year’s Squiddie nominees

happy finger drawings

As we’re in the midst of the 2016 Squiddie nomination period, I thought it would be helpful to post some of the kind words that we received for last year’s nominees. As you can see, there was quite a bit of talent that we weren’t able to award.

For a reminder, there’s just a week remaining to get your nominations in. See the original post here to submit your favourite role players, games, and clubs for a Squiddie – the top award presented by OngoingWorlds. Read More


Yahoo! Groups Sims… Take Note

This article was written for us by Sam Jones from the roleplaying game “Chronicles of Gaea”.

Yahoo groups in a CoffinAs you may or may not have heard, Yahoo! is going through some financial difficulties. This isn’t a huge surprise to those of us who have been using their products for years, but it still is something of concern, especially for the simming community.

Yahoo! Groups has been invaluable (and, even further back, Egroups and ONElist) for play-by-email simming.  I, personally, have been using them for fifteen years.  They archived everything, so as long as your old sim group wasn’t deleted, all the posts still exist.  Permissions issues notwithstanding. Read More


12 tips for writing Star Trek fanfiction & roleplaying

Star trek characters comic

Star Trek fanfiction is as old as Star Trek itself, and heavily dominates the world of online roleplaying. There’s many giant Star Trek roleplay clubs, like Starbase 118 and Star Trek: Borderlands. We’ve even got Star Trek games running on OngoingWorlds (see here). Here’s some tips for anyone who wants to write fiction in the Star Trek universe: Read More


The most popular blog articles of last year

It’s always interesting to look back and see which of our blog posts attracted eager readers.. Here’s the most popular from the last year: Read More


From TV to RPG – How Our Favourite Shows Can Enhance Our Roleplaying Experience – Part 2: Juggling Characters

This article was written for us by Diego Herrera from the Star Trek game Outpost Eden.

Lots of futurama characters

Welcome back to the second in a series of articles designed to look at how sci fi and fantasy TV series can prove useful for writing roleplays (read part 1 here). In this article, I’m going to focus on what we can learn from the way TV shows manage large casts of characters when running adventures with our players. Read More


From TV to RPG – How Our Favourite Shows Can Enhance Our Roleplaying Experience – Part 1: Plot

This article was written for us by Diego Herrera from the Star Trek game Outpost Eden.


We’re living in a world where science fiction, for most people, is defined by television series.

Sure, we’re lucky enough to be able to dip into the world of books and films, but speak to someone who you roleplay with and they’ll most likely have a list of shows that they’re hooked on. They’re probably the reason why they joined your group, especially if it’s based in or on a particular franchise. Read More


Spice Up The Senses

spicy fireworks

This article was written by Maxwell Traenor from UFOP: StarBase 118

We as writers are used to “painting a picture” with our words.  Setting a scene that our characters inhabit is arguably the most important part of our writing in order to immerse the reader fully into the universe our characters live and breathe in.  But, the phrase “paint a picture” can be deceptive.  It implies sight, as in describing how the world looks through our character’s eyes. Read More